67 lines
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67 lines
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Role Name
A role that installs Haproxy, <https://www.haproxy.org>.
Role Variables
The most important variables are listed below:
``` yaml
haproxy_latest_release: True
haproxy_version: 2.0
haproxy_repo_key: 'http://haproxy.debian.net/bernat.debian.org.gpg'
haproxy_debian_latest_repo: "deb http://haproxy.debian.net {{ ansible_lsb.codename }}-backports-{{ haproxy_version }} main"
haproxy_ubuntu_latest_repo: "ppa:vbernat/haproxy-{{ haproxy_version }}"
haproxy_pkg_state: latest
haproxy_enabled: True
haproxy_k_bind_non_local_ip: True
haproxy_default_port: 80
haproxy_terminate_tls: False
haproxy_ssl_port: 443
haproxy_admin_port: 8880
haproxy_admin_socket: /run/haproxy/admin.sock
haproxy_letsencrypt_managed: True
haproxy_cert_dir: '{{ pki_dir }}/haproxy'
haproxy_nagios_check: False
# It's a percentage
haproxy_nagios_check_w: 70
haproxy_nagios_check_c: 90
haproxy_check_interval: 3s
haproxy_backend_maxconn: 2048
haproxy_sysctl_conntrack_max: 131072
Additional tasks
The user of this role will need to write a haproxy.cfg template and install it with a dedicated task. Something like
- name: Configure haproxy
template: src=haproxy.cfg.j2 dest=/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg owner=root group=haproxy mode=0440
notify: Reload haproxy
tags: [ 'haproxy', 'haproxy_conf' ]
* letsencrypt-acme-sh
Author Information
Andrea Dell'Amico, <andrea.dellamico@isti.cnr.it>