forked from ISTI-ansible-roles/ansible-role-ckan
121 lines
4.8 KiB
121 lines
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- name: Create the CKAN user
user: name={{ ckan_shell_user }} home={{ ckan_libdir }} createhome=no shell=/usr/sbin/nologin system=yes
- name: Download the CKAN distribution
get_url: url='{{ ckan_package_url }}' dest=/srv/{{ ckan_deb_file }} force=yes
tags: [ 'ckan', 'ckan_pkg' ]
- name: Install the CKAN deb package
apt: deb=/srv/{{ ckan_deb_file }}
register: ckan_install
tags: [ 'ckan', 'ckan_pkg' ]
- name: Fix the python version in the CKAN virtualenv
src: ''
dest: '{{ ckan_libdir }}'
remote_src: yes
creates: '{{ ckan_virtenv }}/bin/'
tags: [ 'ckan', 'ckan_pkg', 'ckan_python_pkg' ]
- name: Fix the python version in the CKAN virtualenv
src: ''
dest: '/'
remote_src: yes
creates: '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/'
tags: [ 'ckan', 'ckan_pkg', 'ckan_python_pkg' ]
- name: Configure the CKAN production configuration file excluding the plugins list
ini_file: dest={{ ckan_config_file }} section={{ item.section }} option={{ item.option }} value={{ item.value }} state={{ item.state }} backup=yes
with_items: '{{ ckan_production_ini_opts }}'
notify: Restart CKAN
tags: [ 'ckan', 'ckan_ini' ]
- name: Install the apache.wsgi
template: src=apache.wsgi.j2 dest={{ ckan_confdir }}/apache.wsgi
notify: Restart CKAN
tags: [ 'ckan', 'apache', 'ckan_pkg' ]
- name: Create the base directory for the CKAN file storage
dest: '{{ ckan_file_storage_dir }}'
state: directory
owner: '{{ apache_user }}'
group: '{{ ckan_shell_user }}'
mode: '2770'
tags: [ 'ckan' ]
- name: Fix the CKAN harvesting storage permissions
file: dest={{ ckan_file_harvesting_dir }} state=directory owner={{ apache_user }} group={{ ckan_shell_user }} mode='2770' recurse=yes
tags: [ 'ckan' ]
- name: authorization file for the psql command, if the database is on a remote server
template: src=pgpass.j2 dest=/root/.pgpass owner=root mode=0600
when: psql_db_host != 'localhost'
tags: [ 'pg_backup', 'postgresql', 'postgres' ]
- name: Initialize the CKAN database
shell: ckan db init && touch {{ ckan_libdir }}/.ckan_db_initialized
creates: '{{ ckan_libdir }}/.ckan_db_initialized'
when: ckan_init_db_and_solr
tags: [ 'ckan' ]
- name: Initialize the CKAN datastore database
shell: ckan datastore set-permissions | psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -h {{ psql_db_host }} -U {{ ckan_db_user }} -w {{ ckan_datastore_db_name }} && touch {{ ckan_libdir }}/.ckan_datastore_db_initialized
creates: '{{ ckan_libdir }}/.ckan_datastore_db_initialized'
when: ckan_init_db_and_solr
tags: [ 'ckan' ]
- name: Create the pip cache directory with the right permissions
file: dest={{ ckan_libdir }}/.cache owner={{ ckan_shell_user }} group={{ ckan_shell_user }} state=directory
tags: [ 'ckan', 'ckan_user' ]
- name: Assign the CKAN virtenv dir to the ckan user
file: dest={{ ckan_virtenv }} recurse=yes owner={{ ckan_shell_user }} group={{ ckan_shell_user }}
tags: [ 'ckan', 'ckan_user', 'ckan_permissions' ]
- name: Create a log directory for the jobs run by the ckan user
file: dest={{ ckan_logdir }} state=directory owner={{ ckan_shell_user }} group={{ ckan_shell_user }}
tags: [ 'ckan', 'ckan_user' ]
- name: Job that clears the havesting history
- name: Install a script that find the source ids and cleans up the history for each of them
template: dest=/usr/local/bin/ckan_clear_harvesting_history owner=root group=ckan mode='0750'
- name: Cron job that clears the harvesting history
cron_file: 'clear_ckan_harvesting_history'
disabled: no
job: "/usr/local/bin/ckan_clear_harvesting_history > /var/log/ckan/clear-harvesting-history.log 2>&1"
special_time: "{{ ckan_clear_harvesting_freq }}"
user: '{{ ckan_shell_user }}'
name: Clear the CKAN harvesting history
state: present
when: ckan_clear_harvesting_enabled
tags: [ 'ckan', 'ckan_d4s', 'ckan_clear_harvesting' ]
- name: Job that clears the havesting history
- name: Remove the script that clears the harvesting history
file: dest=/usr/local/bin/ckan_clear_harvesting_history state=absent
- name: Remove the cron job that clears the harvesting history
cron_file: 'clear_ckan_harvesting_history'
disabled: no
job: "/usr/local/bin/ckan_clear_harvesting_history > /var/log/ckan/clear-harvesting-history.log 2>&1"
special_time: "{{ ckan_clear_harvesting_freq }}"
user: '{{ ckan_shell_user }}'
name: Clear the CKAN harvesting history
state: absent
when: not ckan_clear_harvesting_enabled
tags: [ 'ckan', 'ckan_d4s', 'ckan_clear_harvesting' ]