
213 lines
9.5 KiB

# To create the first sysadmin user:
# . /usr/lib/ckan/default/bin/activate
# cd /usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan
# You have to create your first CKAN sysadmin user from the command line. For example, to create a user called seanh and make him a # sysadmin:
# paster sysadmin add seanh -c /etc/ckan/default/production.ini
# To create some test data:
# paster create-test-data -c /etc/ckan/default/production.ini
ckan_version: 2.6
ckan_deb_file: 'python-ckan_{{ ckan_version }}-{{ ansible_distribution_release }}_amd64.deb'
ckan_package_url: '{{ ckan_deb_file }}'
ckan_libdir: /usr/lib/ckan
ckan_confdir: /etc/ckan/default
ckan_virtenv: '{{ ckan_libdir }}/default'
ckan_file_harvesting_dir: /var/lib/ckan
ckan_file_storage_dir: '{{ ckan_file_harvesting_dir }}/dev'
ckan_config_file: '{{ ckan_confdir }}/production.ini'
ckan_webapp_port: 8080
ckan_solr_port: 8983
ckan_shell_user: ckan
ckan_logdir: /var/log/ckan
ckan_db_name: ckan
ckan_db_user: ckan
# By default, initialize the db and solr. Disable if you want to reinstall and maintain the old data
ckan_init_db_and_solr: True
ckan_clear_harvesting_enabled: True
ckan_clear_harvesting_freq: 'weekly'
# CKAN plugins
ckan_plugins_state: present
# yes: update the repository. no, do not update
ckan_git_plugins_state: 'no'
# Order is important
ckan_geonetwork_harvester: False
ckan_ckanext_harvester_url: 'git+'
ckan_ckanext_spatial_url: 'git+'
ckan_geonetwork_harvester_url: ''
ckan_geoview: False
ckan_geoview_url: ckanext-geoview
ckan_geoview_name: resource_proxy
ckan_dcat: False
ckan_dcat_url: 'git+'
ckan_dcat_1_0_0_url: 'git+'
# dcat implement harvesters too.
# ckan_dcat_name: 'dcat dcat_rdf_harvester dcat_json_harvester dcat_json_interface'
ckan_dcat_name: 'dcat dcat_json_interface'
# Set this to true to install a cron job that regularly runs the harvesters
ckan_harvester_run: False
ckan_pdfview: False
ckan_ckanext_pdfview_url: ckanext-pdfview
ckan_privatedatasets: False
ckan_privatedatasets_url: ckanext-privatedatasets
ckan_privatedatasets_name: privatedatasets
ckan_hierarchy: False
ckan_hierarchy_url: 'git+'
ckan_hierarchy_name: hierarchy_display hierarchy_form
ckan_pages: False
ckan_pages_url: 'git+'
ckan_pages_name: pages
ckan_ldap: False
#ckan_ldap_url: 'git+'
ckan_ldap_url: ''
ckan_ldap_name: ldap
ckan_ldap_uri: 'ldap://'
ckan_ldap_base_dn: ''
ckan_ldap_search_filter: 'uid={login}'
ckan_ldap_user_fullname: 'cn'
ckan_ldap_username: uid
ckan_ldap_email: mail
ckan_ldap_prevent_edits: True
ckan_ldap_fallback: True
ckan_ckanext_lire: False
ckan_ckanext_lire_n: lire
ckan_ckanext_lire_url: ''
# Kata OAI-PMH
ckan_kata_oai_pmh: False
ckan_oai_pmh_name: oaipmh
ckan_oai_pmh_state: absent
ckan_oai_pmh_url: 'git+'
ckan_oai_pmh_kata_plugin_url: 'git+'
ckan_oai_pmh_kata_ini_state: 'present'
- { section: 'app:main', option: '', value: 'false', state: '{{ ckan_oai_pmh_kata_ini_state }}' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'kata.ldap.enabled', value: 'false', state: '{{ ckan_oai_pmh_kata_ini_state }}' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'kata.disable_contact', value: 'true', state: '{{ ckan_oai_pmh_kata_ini_state }}' }
ckan_oai_pm: False
ckan_oai_pm_name: oaipmh
ckan_oai_pm_state: absent
ckan_oai_pm_url: 'git+'
# Google analytics
ckan_google_analytics: False
ckan_ga_plugin_state: '{{ ckan_plugins_state }}'
ckan_google_analytics_name: googleanalytics
ckan_google_analytics_url: 'git+'
ckan_google_analytics_fixed_file: '{{ ckan_version }}/ckan-default/plugins/googleanalytics/'
ckan_star_ratings: False
ckan_star_ratings_state: present
ckan_star_ratings_name: rating
ckan_star_ratings_url: 'git+'
ckan_memcache_sessions: False
- libmemcached10
- libmemcached-dev
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'beaker.session.type', value: 'ext:memcached', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'beaker.session.url ', value: "{{ mc_ipaddress | default('') }}:{{ mc_port | default('11211') }}", state: 'present' }
# Google analytics reports
ckan_ga_reports: False
ckan_ga_reports_name: ga-report
ckan_ga_reports_url: 'git+'
ckan_profiler: False
ckan_profiler_url: 'git+'
ckan_datesearch: False
ckan_datesearch_name: datesearch
ckan_datesearch_state: present
ckan_datesearch_url: ''
# Needed to install some CKAN plugins
- git
- libxslt1-dev
- gcc
- python-dev
- libffi-dev
- libxml2-dev
- zlib1g-dev
- libxslt1-dev
- libgeos-c1
- libldap2-dev
- libsasl2-dev
- libssl-dev
- lxml
- factory
- python-ldap
- rdflib
- 'urllib3[secure]'
- bleach
- pyOpenSSL
- idna
- certifi
- xmltodict
- ndg-httpsclient
- pyasn1
- enum
- ipaddress
- x509
- { name: 'SQLAlchemy', version: '0.9.6', state: 'present' }
- { name: 'cryptography', version: '2.8', state: 'present' }
- libapache2-mod-uwsgi
- libpq5
- uwsgi
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.site_id', value: 'ckan_installation', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'sqlalchemy.url', value: 'postgresql://{{ ckan_db_user }}:{{ ckan_db_pwd }}@{{ psql_db_host }}/{{ ckan_db_name }}', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.site_url', value: 'http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'solr_url', value: '{{ ckan_solr_port }}/solr', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.datastore.write_url', value: 'postgresql://{{ ckan_db_user }}:{{ ckan_db_pwd }}@{{ psql_db_host }}/{{ ckan_datastore_db_name }}', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.datastore.read_url', value: 'postgresql://{{ ckan_datastore_db_reader }}:{{ ckan_db_pwd }}@{{ psql_db_host }}/{{ ckan_datastore_db_name }}', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.site_title', value: 'D4Science CKAN development installation', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.site_logo', value: '/base/images/ckan-logo.png', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.max_resource_size', value: '10', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.max_image_size', value: '2', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.tracking_enabled', value: 'true', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.privatedatasets.show_acquire_url_on_create', value: 'true', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.privatedatasets.show_acquire_url_on_edit', value: 'true', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.plugins', value: 'stats text_view image_view recline_view datastore datapusher harvest', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.datapusher.url', value: '', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.datapusher.formats', value: 'csv xls xlsx tsv application/csv application/ application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckan.storage_path', value: '{{ ckan_file_storage_dir }}', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: '', value: 'redis', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: '', value: 'localhost', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: '', value: '6379', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: '', value: '0', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckanext.spatial.search_backend', value: 'solr', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckanext.pages.organization', value: 'true', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: '', value: 'true', state: 'present' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckanext.pages.about_menu', value: 'false', state: 'absent' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckanext.pages.group_menu', value: 'false', state: 'absent' }
- { section: 'app:main', option: 'ckanext.pages.organization_menu', value: 'false', state: 'absent' }
- supervisor
- ckan_gather_consumer
- ckan_fetch_consumer