3D Beam Finite Element Code  1.0
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fea::Force Struct Reference

A nodal force to enforce. More...

#include <containers.h>

Public Member Functions

 Force ()
 Default Constructor. More...
 Force (unsigned int _node, unsigned int _dof, double _value)
 Constructor. More...

Public Attributes

unsigned int node
unsigned int dof
double value

Detailed Description

A nodal force to enforce.

Set by specifying the node where the force will be applied, which degree of freedom will be affected, and the value to apply.

// define the node number to constrain
unsigned int nn1 = 0;
// define the value to hold the nodal DOF at
double value = 0.0;

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

fea::Force::Force ( )

Default Constructor.

All values are set to zero.

fea::Force::Force ( unsigned int  _node,
unsigned int  _dof,
double  _value 


[in]nodeunsigned int. The index of the node.
[in]dofunsigned int. Degree of freedom to constrain (See fea::DOF).
[in]valuedouble. The prescribed value for the force.

Member Data Documentation

unsigned int fea::Force::dof

The index of the dof to constrain. The fea::DOF enum can be used for specification or the integer values can be used directly 0==d_x, 1==d_y, ...

unsigned int fea::Force::node

The index of the node to apply the force

double fea::Force::value

The value of the force to apply.

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