3D Beam Finite Element Code  1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CBCA boundary condition to enforce
 CCSVParserReads data from a csv file into an std::vector and writes the contents of an std::vector to a file
 CElemAn element of the mesh. Contains the indices of the two fea::Node's that form the element as well as the properties of the element given by the fea::Props struct
 CForceA nodal force to enforce
 CGlobalStiffAssemblerAssembles the global stiffness matrix
 CJobContains a node list, element list, and the properties of each element
 COptionsProvides a method for customizing the finite element analysis
 CPropsThe set of properties associated with an element
 CSummaryContains the results of an analysis after calling fea::solve
 CTiePlaces linear springs between all degrees of freedom of 2 nodes