Go to the graphical class hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
Cfea::BC | A boundary condition to enforce |
Cfea::CSVParser | Reads data from a csv file into an std::vector and writes the contents of an std::vector to a file |
Cfea::Elem | An element of the mesh. Contains the indices of the two fea::Node 's that form the element as well as the properties of the element given by the fea::Props struct |
Cfea::Force | A nodal force to enforce |
Cfea::GlobalStiffAssembler | Assembles the global stiffness matrix |
Cfea::Job | Contains a node list, element list, and the properties of each element |
Cfea::Options | Provides a method for customizing the finite element analysis |
Cfea::Props | The set of properties associated with an element |
▼CQMainWindow | |
CMainWindow | |
Cfea::Summary | Contains the results of an analysis after calling fea::solve |
Cfea::Tie | Places linear springs between all degrees of freedom of 2 nodes |