TCLAP Namespace Reference


class   Arg
  A virtual base class that defines the essential data for all arguments. More...
class   ArgException
  A simple class that defines and argument exception. More...
class   ArgParseException
  Thrown from within the child Arg classes when it fails to properly parse the argument it has been passed. More...
class   CmdLineParseException
  Thrown from CmdLine when the arguments on the command line are not properly specified, e.g. More...
class   SpecificationException
  Thrown from Arg and CmdLine when an Arg is improperly specified, e.g. More...
class   ExitException
struct   ValueLike
  A value like argument value type is a value that can be set using operator>>. More...
struct   StringLike
  A string like argument value type is a value that can be set using operator=(string). More...
struct   StringLikeTrait
  A class can inherit from this object to make it have string like traits. More...
struct   ValueLikeTrait
  A class can inherit from this object to make it have value like traits. More...
struct   ArgTraits
  Arg traits are used to get compile type specialization when parsing argument values. More...
class   CmdLine
  The base class that manages the command line definition and passes along the parsing to the appropriate Arg classes. More...
class   CmdLineInterface
  The base class that manages the command line definition and passes along the parsing to the appropriate Arg classes. More...
class   CmdLineOutput
  The interface that any output object must implement. More...
class   Constraint
  The interface that defines the interaction between the Arg and Constraint. More...
class   DocBookOutput
  A class that generates DocBook output for usage() method for the given CmdLine and its Args. More...
class   HelpVisitor
  A Visitor object that calls the usage method of the given CmdLineOutput object for the specified CmdLine object. More...
class   IgnoreRestVisitor
  A Vistor that tells the CmdLine to begin ignoring arguments after this one is parsed. More...
class   MultiArg
  An argument that allows multiple values of type T to be specified. More...
class   MultiSwitchArg
  A multiple switch argument. More...
class   OptionalUnlabeledTracker
struct   ArgTraits< long >
  longs have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< int >
  ints have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< short >
  shorts have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< char >
  chars have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< unsigned long >
  unsigned longs have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< unsigned int >
  unsigned ints have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< unsigned short >
  unsigned shorts have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< unsigned char >
  unsigned chars have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< float >
  floats have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< double >
  doubles have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< bool >
  bools have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< wchar_t >
  wchar_ts have value-like semantics. More...
struct   ArgTraits< std::string >
  Strings have string like argument traits. More...
class   StdOutput
  A class that isolates any output from the CmdLine object so that it may be easily modified. More...
class   SwitchArg
  A simple switch argument. More...
class   UnlabeledMultiArg
  Just like a MultiArg, except that the arguments are unlabeled. More...
class   UnlabeledValueArg
  The basic unlabeled argument that parses a value. More...
class   ValueArg
  The basic labeled argument that parses a value. More...
class   ValuesConstraint
  A Constraint that constrains the Arg to only those values specified in the constraint. More...
class   VersionVisitor
  A Vistor that will call the version method of the given CmdLineOutput for the specified CmdLine object and then exit. More...
class   Visitor
  A base class that defines the interface for visitors. More...
class   XorHandler
  This class handles lists of Arg's that are to be XOR'd on the command line. More...
class   ZshCompletionOutput
  A class that generates a Zsh completion function as output from the usage() method for the given CmdLine and its Args. More...


typedef std::list< Arg * >
  Typedef of an Arg list iterator.
typedef std::vector< Arg * >
  Typedef of an Arg vector iterator.
typedef std::list< Visitor * >
  Typedef of a Visitor list iterator.


template<typename T >
void  ExtractValue (T &destVal, const std::string &strVal, ValueLike vl)
template<typename T >
void  ExtractValue (T &destVal, const std::string &strVal, StringLike sl)
template<typename T >
void  DelPtr (T ptr)
template<typename C >
void  ClearContainer (C &c)
template<typename T >
void  SetString (T &dst, const std::string &src)

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::list<Arg*>::iterator TCLAP::ArgListIterator

Typedef of an Arg list iterator.

Definition at line 396 of file Arg.h.

typedef std::vector<Arg*>::iterator TCLAP::ArgVectorIterator

Typedef of an Arg vector iterator.

Definition at line 401 of file Arg.h.

typedef std::list<Visitor*>::iterator TCLAP::VisitorListIterator

Typedef of a Visitor list iterator.

Definition at line 406 of file Arg.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename C >
void TCLAP::ClearContainer ( C &  c  )  [inline]

Definition at line 58 of file CmdLine.h.

Referenced by TCLAP::CmdLine::~CmdLine().

template<typename T >
void TCLAP::DelPtr ( ptr  )  [inline]

Definition at line 53 of file CmdLine.h.

template<typename T >
void TCLAP::ExtractValue ( T &  destVal,
const std::string &  strVal,
StringLike  sl  
) [inline]

Definition at line 452 of file Arg.h.

References SetString().

template<typename T >
void TCLAP::ExtractValue ( T &  destVal,
const std::string &  strVal,
ValueLike  vl  
) [inline]
template<typename T >
void TCLAP::SetString ( T &  dst,
const std::string &  src  
) [inline]

Definition at line 200 of file StandardTraits.h.

Referenced by ExtractValue().

Generated on Sat Apr 16 15:34:25 2011 for tclap by  doxygen 1.6.0