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2004-03-25 15:55:25 +01:00
* VCGLib o o *
* Visual and Computer Graphics Library o o *
* _ O _ *
* Copyright(C) 2004 \/)\/ *
* Visual Computing Lab /\/| *
* ISTI - Italian National Research Council | *
* \ *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
2004-03-25 15:55:25 +01:00
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License ( *
* for more details. *
* *
$Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
Revision 1.17 2006/07/26 13:54:45 cignoni
Reversed the direction of wheel scaling and added middle mouse panning
Revision 1.16 2006/02/13 13:10:27 cignoni
Added Zmode for moving objects along the perpendicular to the viewplane
Revision 1.15 2006/01/12 15:40:05 cignoni
Corrected small bugs on rotating after scaling+translating
changed void PlaneMode::Apply and void SphereMode::Apply
Revision 1.14 2005/07/15 16:39:30 callieri
in SphereMode::Hit added a check on the sphere intersection, if no intersection, calculating distance could generate a NAN exception
Revision 1.13 2005/06/29 15:22:26 callieri
changed the name of some intersection functions to avoid ambiguity
Revision 1.12 2005/02/11 11:44:07 tommyfranken
Trackball translation corrected
2005-02-11 12:44:07 +01:00
Revision 1.11 2005/02/02 16:46:41 pietroni
some warning corrected
2005-02-02 17:46:41 +01:00
Revision 1.10 2005/01/14 15:44:03 ganovelli
PlaneMode completed
2005-01-14 16:44:03 +01:00
Revision 1.9 2004/09/09 22:59:21 cignoni
Removed many small warnings
2004-09-10 00:59:21 +02:00
Revision 1.8 2004/07/18 06:54:08 cignoni
Added Scaling
2004-07-18 08:54:08 +02:00
Revision 1.7 2004/07/11 22:06:56 cignoni
Added scaling by wheel
2004-07-12 00:06:56 +02:00
Revision 1.6 2004/06/09 14:01:13 cignoni
Heavily restructured. To be completed only rotation works...
Revision 1.5 2004/05/14 03:15:09 ponchio
Redesigned partial version.
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
Revision 1.4 2004/05/07 12:46:08 cignoni
Restructured and adapted in a better way to opengl
Revision 1.3 2004/04/07 10:54:11 cignoni
Commented out unused parameter names and other minor warning related issues
Revision 1.2 2004/03/25 14:55:25 ponchio
Adding copyright.
2004-03-25 15:55:25 +01:00
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
#include <wrap/gui/trackmode.h>
#include <wrap/gui/trackball.h>
#include <vcg/space/intersection3.h>
2004-03-25 15:50:08 +01:00
#include <vcg/math/similarity.h>
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
#include <iostream>
2004-03-25 15:50:08 +01:00
2004-07-18 08:54:08 +02:00
using namespace std;
2004-03-25 15:50:08 +01:00
using namespace vcg;
2004-07-12 00:06:56 +02:00
void TrackMode::Apply(Trackball *trackball, float WheelNotch) {
2004-07-18 08:54:08 +02:00
void ScaleMode::Apply(Trackball *tb, Point3f new_point) {
2004-09-10 00:59:21 +02:00
float ScreenHeight= float(tb->camera.viewport[3]-tb->camera.viewport[1]);
2004-07-18 08:54:08 +02:00
float dist=(new_point[1]-tb->last_point[1])/ScreenHeight;
tb-> tb->*pow(3.0f,-dist);
2004-07-12 00:06:56 +02:00
/// Compute the plane plane perpedicular to view dir and passing through manip center
Plane3f TrackMode::GetViewPlane(const View<float> &camera, const Point3f &center) {
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
Point3f vp = camera.ViewPoint();
Plane3f pl;
Point3f plnorm= vp - center;
pl.Set(plnorm, plnorm*center);
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
return pl;
/// Given a point p in window coordinate it compute the point where the lie p
/// over the plane paralell the viewplane and passing through the center of the trackball
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
Point3f TrackMode::HitViewPlane(Trackball *tb, const Point3f &p) {
// plane perpedicular to view direction and passing through manip center
Plane3f vp = GetViewPlane(tb->camera, tb->center);
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
Line3fN ln= tb->camera.ViewLineFromWindow(Point3f(p[0],p[1],0));
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
Point3f PonVP;
/*bool res = */IntersectionLinePlane<float>(vp,ln,PonVP);
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
return PonVP;
// the most important function; given a new point in window coord, it update the transformation computed by the trackball.
// General scheme : the transformation is a function of just the begin and current mouse positions, with greater precision is function of just two 3d points over the manipulator.
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
void SphereMode::Apply(Trackball *tb, Point3f new_point) {
Point3f hitOld=Hit(tb, tb->last_point);
Point3f hitNew=Hit(tb, new_point);
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
// Point3f center = tb->track.tra+tb->center; // original 2006 01 12
Point3f center = tb->center;
Point3f axis = (hitNew - center)^(hitOld- center);
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
// Figure out how much to rotate around that axis.
//float phi=Angle((hitNew- tb->center),(hitOld- tb->center));
float phi = Distance(hitNew,hitOld) / tb->radius;
tb->track.rot = tb->last_track.rot * Quaternionf(phi,axis);
/* Codice Originale Ponchio
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
Point3f ref = (tb->camera.ViewPoint() - tb->center).Normalize();
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
Point3f axis = hitNew^ref;
float dist = (hitNew - ref).Norm()/2;
float phi = 2 * math::Asin(dist);
Point3f oaxis = hitOld^ref;
float odist = (hitOld - ref).Norm()/2;
float ophi = 2 * math::Asin(odist);
Quaternionf r = tb->last_track.rot;
Quaternionf diff = r * Quaternionf(phi, axis) *
Quaternionf(-ophi, oaxis) * Inverse(r);
tb->track = Similarityf().SetRotate(diff) * tb->last_track;*/
dato un punto in coordinate di schermo e.g. in pixel stile opengl
calcola il punto di intersezione tra la viewline che passa per viewpoint e per hitplane e l'iperboloide.
l'iperboloide si assume essere quello di rotazione attorno alla retta viewpoint-center e di raggio rad
si assume come sistema di riferimento quello con l'origine su center ecome x la retta center-viewpoint
eq linea
y = - ----------- * x + hitplane.y
eq hiperboloide di raggio r (e.g. che passa per (r/sqrt2,r/sqrt2)
y = --- * (r^2 /2.0)
----------- * x^2 - hitplane.y *x + (r^2/2.0) == 0
bool SphereMode::HitHyper(Point3f center, float radius, Point3f viewpoint, Plane3f vp, Point3f hitplane, Point3f &hit)
float hitplaney = Distance(center,hitplane);
float viewpointx= Distance(center,viewpoint);
float a = hitplaney/viewpointx;
float b = -hitplaney;
float c = radius*radius/2.0f;
float delta = b*b - 4*a*c;
float x1,x2,xval,yval;
2004-07-12 00:06:56 +02:00
x1= (- b - sqrt(delta))/(2.0f*a);
x2= (- b + sqrt(delta))/(2.0f*a);
xval=x1; // always take the minimum value solution
yval=c/xval; // alternatively it also oould be the other part of the equation yval=-(hitplaney/viewpointx)*xval+hitplaney;
return false;
// Computing the result in 3d space;
Point3f dirRadial=hitplane-center;
Point3f dirView=vp.Direction();
hit= center +dirRadial*yval+dirView*xval;
return true;
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
/* dato un punto in coordinate di schermo e.g. in pixel stile opengl
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
restituisce un punto in coordinate di mondo sulla superficie
della trackball.
La superficie della trackball e' data da una sfera + una porzione
di iperboloide di rotazione.
Assumiamo la sfera di raggio unitario e centrata sull'origine e
di guardare lungo la y negativa.
X 0 sqrt(1/2) 1
eq sfera: y=sqrt(1-x*x); 1 sqrt(1/2) 0
eq iperboloide : y=1/2*x; inf sqrt(1/2) 1/2
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
eq cono y=x+sqrt(2);
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
Point3f SphereMode::Hit(Trackball *tb, const Point3f &p) {
2005-02-02 17:46:41 +01:00
// const float Thr = tb->radius/math::Sqrt(2.0f);
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
Line3fN vn = tb->camera.ViewLineFromModel(tb->center);
Line3fN ln = tb->camera.ViewLineFromWindow(Point3f(p[0],p[1],0));
Point3f viewpoint = tb->camera.ViewPoint();
Plane3f vp = GetViewPlane(tb->camera, tb->center);
Point3f hit,hitPlane,hitSphere,hitSphere1,hitSphere2,hitHyper;
IntersectionLinePlane<float>(vp, ln, hitPlane);
Sphere3f sphere(tb->center,tb->radius);
bool resSp = IntersectionLineSphere<float>(sphere, ln, hitSphere1, hitSphere2);
if(resSp == true)
else hitSphere=hitSphere2;
2005-02-02 17:46:41 +01:00
/*float dl=*/Distance(ln,tb->center);
bool resHp = HitHyper(tb->center, tb->radius, viewpoint, vp, hitPlane, hitHyper) ;
// four cases
// 1) Degenerate line tangent to both sphere and hyperboloid!
if((!resSp && !resHp) )
//printf("closest point to line %f\n",Distance(hit,tb->center));
return hit;
if((resSp && !resHp) ) return hitSphere; // 2) line cross only the sphere
if((!resSp && resHp) ) return hitHyper; // 3) line cross only the hyperboloid
// 4) line cross both sphere and hyperboloid: choose according angle.
float angleDeg=math::ToDeg(Angle((viewpoint-tb->center),(hitSphere-tb->center)));
//printf("Angle %f (%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f) (%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f)\n",angleDeg,hitSphere[0],hitSphere[1],hitSphere[2],hitHyper[0],hitHyper[1],hitHyper[2]);
if(angleDeg<45) return hitSphere;
else return hitHyper;
//vp.SetOffset(vp.Offset() + Thr);
//Point3f hit;
//bool res = Intersection<float>(vp, ln, hit);
//float d = Distance(tb->center - vn.Direction()*Thr, hit);
//if(d < Thr) {
// Point3f hit2;
// Sphere3f sphere(tb->center, tb->radius);
// bool res = Intersection<float>(sphere, ln, hit, hit2);
// //find closest intersection to sphere
// float d = (hit - viewpoint).Norm();
// float d2 = (hit2 - viewpoint).Norm();
// if(d > d2) hit = hit2;
// hit -= tb->center;
//} else {
// if(d > 2.99 * Thr)
// d = 2.99 * Thr;
// Point3f norm = (hit - tb->center)^(viewpoint - tb->center);
// norm.Normalize();
// float phi = -M_PI/4 - 3*M_PI/8 *(d - Thr)/Thr;
// Quaternionf q(phi, norm);
// hit = q.Rotate((viewpoint - tb->center).Normalize() * tb->radius);
// hit.Normalize();
// return hit;
2004-03-25 15:50:08 +01:00
2004-05-14 05:15:09 +02:00
void PlaneMode::Apply(Trackball *tb, Point3f new_point) {
2005-02-11 12:44:07 +01:00
Point3f hitOld = HitViewPlane(tb, tb->last_point);
Point3f hitNew = HitViewPlane(tb, new_point);
//Matrix44f m; tb->track.rot.ToMatrix(m);
//tb->track.tra = tb->last_track.tra + Inverse(m)*Point3f(hitNew- hitOld);// orig 2006 01 12
//tb->track.tra = tb->last_track.tra + Inverse(m)*Point3f(hitNew- hitOld)/tb->;;
tb->Translate(hitNew- hitOld);
2005-01-14 16:44:03 +01:00
void ZMode::Apply(Trackball *tb, Point3f new_point) {
float ScreenHeight= float(tb->camera.viewport[3]-tb->camera.viewport[1]);
float dist=(new_point[1]-tb->last_point[1])/ScreenHeight;
//Matrix44f m; tb->track.rot.ToMatrix(m);
//tb->track.tra = tb->last_track.tra + Inverse(m)*Point3f(0,0,-2*dist)/tb->;;
2005-01-14 16:44:03 +01:00