Added evaluation of Koenderink's Shape Index and Curvedness from curvature

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Paolo Cignoni 2017-01-29 18:20:00 +01:00
parent c858faab65
commit bdd25079ac
1 changed files with 61 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -226,6 +226,67 @@ static void VertexFromMeanCurvatureDir(MeshType &m)
for(VertexIterator vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) if(!(*vi).IsD())
(*vi).Q() = ((*vi).K1()+(*vi).K2())/2.0f;
static void VertexFromMinCurvatureDir(MeshType &m)
for(VertexIterator vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) if(!(*vi).IsD())
(*vi).Q() = (*vi).K1();
static void VertexFromMaxCurvatureDir(MeshType &m)
for(VertexIterator vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) if(!(*vi).IsD())
(*vi).Q() = (*vi).K2();
* @brief VertexFromShapeIndexCurvatureDir
* Compute from the current Curvature Direction the Shape Index S as defined by [Koenderink 1992]
* and store it in the per-vertex Quality.
* S = 2/pi atan(k1+k2/k1-k2)
* J. Koenderink and A. van Doorn.
* Surface shape and curvature scales.
* Image and vision computing, 10(8):557565, 1992.
static void VertexFromShapeIndexCurvatureDir(MeshType &m)
for(VertexIterator vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) if(!(*vi).IsD())
ScalarType k1=(*vi).K1();
ScalarType k2=(*vi).K2();
if(k1<k2) std::swap(k1,k2);
(*vi).Q() = (2.0/M_PI)*atan2(k1+k2,k1-k2);
* @brief VertexFromCurvednessCurvatureDir
* Compute from the current Curvature Direction the Curvedness as defined by [Koenderink 1992]
* and store it in the per-vertex Quality.
* C = Sqrt((k1*k1+k2*k2)/2.0)
* J. Koenderink and A. van Doorn.
* Surface shape and curvature scales.
* Image and vision computing, 10(8):557565, 1992.
static void VertexFromCurvednessCurvatureDir(MeshType &m)
for(VertexIterator vi=m.vert.begin();vi!=m.vert.end();++vi) if(!(*vi).IsD())
const ScalarType k1=(*vi).K1();
const ScalarType k2=(*vi).K2();
(*vi).Q() = math::Sqrt((k1*k1+k2*k2)/2.0);
* Absolute Curvature