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2020-06-03 19:53:13 +02:00
- block:
- name: Install the pgpool package
apt: name={{ pgpool_pkgs }} state={{ psql_pgpool_pkg_state }} cache_valid_time=1800
- name: Configure pcp
#template: src=pcp.conf.j2 dest=/etc/pgpool2/pcp.conf owner=root group=postgres mode=0640
shell: pwd=`pg_md5 {{ pcp_pwd }}` ; echo "{{ pgpool_pcp_user }}:${pwd}" > /etc/pgpool2/pcp.conf ; chmod 640 /etc/pgpool2/pcp.conf; chown root:postgres /etc/pgpool2/pcp.conf
- name: Install the pgpool configuration file
template: src=pgpool.conf.j2 dest=/etc/pgpool2/pgpool.conf owner=root group=postgres mode=0640
notify: Restart pgpool2
- name: Give access to the remote postgresql clients
lineinfile: name=/etc/pgpool2/pool_hba.conf regexp="^host {{ }} {{ item.0.user }} {{ item.1 }}.*$" line="host {{ }} {{ item.0.user }} {{ item.1 }} md5"
- '{{ psql_db_data | default([]) }}'
- allowed_hosts
- psql_db_data is defined
- item.1 is defined
notify: Reload pgpool2
- name: Create the pki directory to store the pgpool key
file: dest=/etc/pki/pgpool2 state=directory owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0750
when: pgpool_enable_ssl
- name: Create a pgpool accessible ssl key file if it does not exist
copy: src=/var/lib/acme/live/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/privkey dest=/etc/pki/pgpool2/pgpool2.key owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0400 remote_src=True
when: pgpool_enable_ssl
- name: Install the pool_passwd configuration file
shell: cd /etc/pgpool2 ; pg_md5 -m -u {{ item.user }} {{ item.pwd }} ; chown root:postgres /etc/pgpool2/pool_passwd ; chmod 660 /etc/pgpool2/pool_passwd
with_items: '{{ psql_db_data | default([]) }}'
- name: Install the sudoers config that permits pgpool change the network configuration during a failover
template: src=pgpool-wd-sudoers.j2 dest=/etc/sudoers.d/pgpool-wd owner=root group=root mode=0440
- name: Install the ip script that manage the network configuration during a failover
copy: src={{ item }} dest=/sbin/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0755
- ip_script
- name: Install the arping scripts that manage the network configuration during a failover
copy: src={{ item }} dest=/usr/local/bin/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0755
- arping_script
- name: Start and enable pgpool2
service: name=pgpool2 state=started enabled=yes
2020-07-30 14:14:39 +02:00
- pgpool_enabled
- ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian"
2020-06-03 19:53:13 +02:00
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool', 'pcp_conf', 'pgpool_conf' ]
- block:
- name: Stop and disable pgpool2
service: name=pgpool2 state=stopped enabled=no
- name: Install the pgpool packages
apt: name={{ pgpool_pkgs }} state=absent
- name: Remove the pgpool failover sudoers file
file: dest=/etc/sudoers.d/pgpool-wd state=absent
- name: Remove the pgpool configuration directory
file: dest=/etc/pgpool2 state=absent
- name: Remove the scripts that manage the network configuration during a failover
file: dest={{ item }} state=absent
- /sbin/ip_script
- /usr/local/bin/arping_script
2020-07-30 14:14:39 +02:00
- not pgpool_enabled
- ansible_distribution_file_variety == "Debian"
2020-06-03 19:53:13 +02:00
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ]