Import the old role, Ubuntu only.

This commit is contained in:
Andrea Dell'Amico 2020-06-03 19:53:13 +02:00
parent 8cb9b02c51
commit 849cbf64ea
35 changed files with 1991 additions and 68 deletions

View File

@ -1,31 +1,41 @@
Role Name
A brief description of the role goes here.
Any pre-requisites that may not be covered by Ansible itself or the role should be mentioned here. For instance, if the role uses the EC2 module, it may be a good idea to mention in this section that the boto package is required.
A role that installs PostgreSQL and manages databases and users.
It can also install pgPoolII
Role Variables
A description of the settable variables for this role should go here, including any variables that are in defaults/main.yml, vars/main.yml, and any variables that can/should be set via parameters to the role. Any variables that are read from other roles and/or the global scope (ie. hostvars, group vars, etc.) should be mentioned here as well.
The most important variables are listed below:
``` yaml
psql_postgresql_install: True
psql_pkg_state: present
postgresql_enabled: True
psql_pgpool_install: False
psql_pgpool_service_install: False
psql_version: 11
psql_db_host: localhost
psql_listen_on_ext_int: False
psql_use_alternate_data_dir: False
psql_enable_ssl: False
psql_force_ssl_client_connection: False
postgresql_letsencrypt_managed: '{{ psql_enable_ssl }}'
# Example of line needed to create a db, create the user that owns the db, manage the db accesses (used by iptables too). All the fields are mandatory.
- { name: '{{ psql_db_name }}', encoding: 'UTF8', user: '{{ psql_db_user }}', pwd: '{{ psql_db_pwd }}', roles: 'NOCREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER', extensions: [ 'postgis', 'pgpool_regclass', 'pgpool_recovery' ], allowed_hosts: [ '', 'yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy/32' ], managedb: True }
# Example of line needed to manage the db accesses (used by iptables too), without creating the db and the user. Useful, for example, to give someone access to the postgresql db
- { name: '{{ psql_db_name }}', user: '{{ psql_db_user }}', allowed_hosts: [ '', 'yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy/32' ], managedb: False }
# Example of line needed to remove a db, create the user that owns the db, manage the db accesses (used by iptables too). All the fields are mandatory.
- { name: '{{ psql_db_name }}', encoding: 'UTF8', user: '{{ psql_db_user }}', pwd: '{{ psql_db_pwd }}', managedb: True, roles: 'NOCREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER', extensions: [ 'postgis', 'pgpool_regclass', 'pgpool_recovery' ], allowed_hosts: [ '', 'yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy/32' ], state=absent }
A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.
Example Playbook
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }
@ -35,4 +45,4 @@ EUPL-1.2
Author Information
An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).
Andrea Dell'Amico, <>

View File

@ -1,2 +1,232 @@
# defaults file for ansible-role-template
pg_use_postgresql_org_repo: True
psql_postgresql_install: True
psql_pkg_state: present
postgresql_enabled: True
psql_pgpool_install: False
psql_pgpool_service_install: False
psql_pgpool_pkg_state: installed
# I prefer to use the repositories
# See the features matrix here:
psql_version: 11
psql_db_host: localhost
psql_db_port: 5432
psql_db_size_w: 150000000
psql_db_size_c: 170000000
psql_listen_on_ext_int: False
psql_use_alternate_data_dir: False
psql_data_dir: '/var/lib/postgresql/{{ psql_version }}'
psql_conf_dir: '/etc/postgresql/{{ psql_version }}/main'
psql_log_dir: /var/log/postgresql
- { name: 'max_connections', value: '100', set: 'False' }
- { name: 'shared_buffers', value: '24MB', set: 'False' }
- { name: 'temp_buffers', value: '8MB', set: 'False' }
- { name: 'work_mem', value: '1MB', set: 'False' }
- { name: 'maintenance_work_mem', value: '16MB', set: 'False' }
- { name: 'max_stack_depth', value: '2MB', set: 'False' }
- { name: 'max_files_per_process', value: '1000', set: 'False' }
# logging configuration. Important: the parameters that need a restart must be listed in psql_conf_parameters
- { name: 'log_destination', value: 'stderr', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'logging_collector', value: 'off', set: 'False' }
- { name: 'log_directory', value: "'{{ psql_log_dir }}'", set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_rotation_age', value: '1d', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_rotation_size', value: '10MB', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'client_min_messages', value: 'notice', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_min_messages', value: 'warning', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_min_error_statement', value: 'error', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_min_duration_statement', value: '-1', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_checkpoints', value: 'off', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_connections', value: 'on', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_disconnections', value: 'off', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_duration', value: 'off', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_error_verbosity', value: 'default', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_hostname', value: 'on', set: 'True' }
# Treat vacuum separately. Important: the parameters that need a restart must be listed in psql_conf_parameters
- { name: 'track_counts', value: 'on', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'autovacuum', value: 'on', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'log_autovacuum_min_duration', value: '-1', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold', value: '50', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'autovacuum_analyze_threshold', value: '50', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor', value: '0.2', set: 'True' }
- { name: 'autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit', value: '1000', set: 'True' }
# SSL as a special case
psql_enable_ssl: False
psql_force_ssl_client_connection: False
postgresql_letsencrypt_managed: '{{ psql_enable_ssl }}'
psql_ssl_privkey_global_file: '/var/lib/acme/live/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/privkey'
psql_ssl_privkey_file: /etc/pki/postgresql/postgresql.key
psql_ssl_cert_file: '/var/lib/acme/live/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/cert'
psql_ssl_ca_file: '/var/lib/acme/live/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/fullchain'
- { name: 'ssl', value: 'true' }
- { name: 'ssl_cert_file', value: '{{ psql_ssl_cert_file }}' }
- { name: 'ssl_key_file', value: '{{ psql_ssl_privkey_file }}' }
- { name: 'ssl_ca_file', value: '{{ psql_ssl_ca_file }}' }
- { name: 'ssl', value: 'false' }
psql_set_shared_memory: False
psql_sysctl_file: 30-postgresql-shm.conf
- { name: 'kernel.shmmax', value: '33554432' }
- { name: 'kernel.shmall', value: '2097152' }
- 'postgresql-{{ psql_version }}'
- 'postgresql-contrib-{{ psql_version }}'
- 'postgresql-client-{{ psql_version }}'
- pgtop
- python-psycopg2
psql_db_name: db_name
psql_db_user: db_user
psql_db_pwd: "We cannot save the password into the repository. Use another variable and change pgpass.j2 accordingly. Encrypt the file that contains the variable with ansible-vault"
# Those need to be installed on the postgresql server.
- 'postgresql-{{ psql_version }}-pgpool2'
# Example of line needed to create a db, create the user that owns the db, manage the db accesses (used by iptables too). All the fields are mandatory.
#- { name: '{{ psql_db_name }}', encoding: 'UTF8', user: '{{ psql_db_user }}', pwd: '{{ psql_db_pwd }}', roles: 'NOCREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER', extensions: [ 'postgis', 'pgpool_regclass', 'pgpool_recovery' ], allowed_hosts: [ '', 'yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy/32' ], managedb: True }
# Example of line needed to manage the db accesses (used by iptables too), without creating the db and the user. Useful, for example, to give someone access to the postgresql db
#- { name: '{{ psql_db_name }}', user: '{{ psql_db_user }}', allowed_hosts: [ '', 'yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy/32' ], managedb: False }
# Example of line needed to remove a db, create the user that owns the db, manage the db accesses (used by iptables too). All the fields are mandatory.
#- { name: '{{ psql_db_name }}', encoding: 'UTF8', user: '{{ psql_db_user }}', pwd: '{{ psql_db_pwd }}', managedb: True, roles: 'NOCREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER', extensions: [ 'postgis', 'pgpool_regclass', 'pgpool_recovery' ], allowed_hosts: [ '', 'yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy/32' ], state=absent }
# pgpool-II
- pgpool2
- iputils-arping
pgpool_enabled: True
pgpool_listen_addresses: 'localhost'
pgpool_port: 5433
pgpool_listen_backlog_multiplier: 2
pgpool_pcp_user: admin
# Define pcp_pwd in a vault file
pgpool_pcp_listen_addresses: '*'
pgpool_pcp_port: 9898
# - { id: 0, hostname: 'backend0', backend_port: '{{ psql_db_port }}', backend_weight: 1, backend_data_directory: '{{ psql_data_dir }}', backend_flag: 'ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER' }
pgpool_enable_pool_hba: 'on'
pgpool_pool_passwd: 'pool_passwd'
pgpool_num_init_children: 32
pgpool_max_pool: 4
pgpool_child_life_time: 300
pgpool_child_max_connections: 0
pgpool_connection_life_time: 0
pgpool_client_idle_limit: 0
pgpool_log_destination: syslog
pgpool_log_connections: 'on'
pgpool_log_hostname: 'on'
pgpool_log_statement: 'off'
pgpool_log_per_node_statement: 'off'
pgpool_debug_level: 0
pgpool_replication_mode: 'on'
pgpool_replicate_select: 'off'
pgpool_insert_lock: 'on'
pgpool_lobj_lock_table: ''
pgpool_replication_stop_on_mismatch: 'on'
pgpool_failover_if_affected_tuples_mismatch: 'off'
pgpool_recovery_timeout: 30
pgpool_client_idle_limit_in_recovery: -1
pgpool_load_balance_mode: 'on'
pgpool_ignore_leading_white_space: 'on'
pgpool_recovery_user: postgres
# pgpool_recovery_user_pwd: use a vault file for this one
pgpool_recovery_stage1_script: pgpool_recovery_stage_1
pgpool_recovery_stage2_script: pgpool_recovery_stage_2
pgpool_remote_start_script: pgpool_remote_start
pgpool_white_function_list: ''
pgpool_black_function_list: 'nextval,setval'
pgpool_allow_sql_comments: 'on'
pgpool_fail_over_on_backend_error: 'on'
pgpool_relcache_expire: 3600
pgpool_memory_cache_enabled: 'off'
pgpool_memqcache_method: memcached
pgpool_memqcache_memcached_host: localhost
pgpool_memqcache_memcached_port: 11211
pgpool_memqcache_expire: 0
pgpool_memqcache_auto_cache_invalidation: 'on'
pgpool_serialize_accept: 'off'
# HA and watchdog
pgpool_use_watchdog: 'off'
pgpool_wd_trusted_servers: 'localhost,localhost'
pgpool_wd_port: 9000
pgpool_wd_priority: 1
# Warning: setting pgpool_wd_heartbeat_mode to False enables
# the 'query mode' that is untested and not working without manual intervention
pgpool_wd_heartbeat_mode: True
pgpool_wd_heartbeat_port: 9694
pgpool_wd_heartbeat_keepalive_int: 3
pgpool_wd_heartbeat_deadtime: 30
pgpool_wd_heartbeat_dest0: 'localhost'
pgpool_wd_heartbeat_dest0_port: '{{ pgpool_wd_heartbeat_port }}'
#pgpool_wd_authkey: 'set it inside a vault file'
# SSL as a special case
pgpool_enable_ssl: False
pgpool_letsencrypt_managed: True
pgpool_ssl_key: /etc/pki/pgpool2/pgpool2.key
pgpool_ssl_cert: '/var/lib/acme/live/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/cert'
pgpool_ssl_ca: '/var/lib/acme/live/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/fullchain'
pgpool_ssl_ca_dir: /etc/ssl/certs
pgpool_virtual_netmask: 24
# WAL files archiving is mandatory for pgpool recovery
psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled: '{{ psql_pgpool_install }}'
psql_restart_after_wal_enabling: True
psql_wal_archiving_log_dir: '{{ psql_data_dir }}/archive_log'
psql_base_backup_dir: '{{ pg_backup_base_dir }}/base_backup'
- { name: 'wal_level', value: 'archive', set: '{{ psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled }}' }
- { name: 'wal_sync_method', value: 'fdatasync', set: '{{ psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled }}' }
- { name: 'full_page_writes', value: 'on', set: '{{ psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled }}' }
- { name: 'wal_log_hints', value: 'on', set: '{{ psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled }}' }
- { name: 'archive_mode', value: 'on', set: '{{ psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled }}' }
- { name: 'archive_command', value: "'test ! -f {{ psql_wal_archiving_log_dir }}/%f && cp %p {{ psql_wal_archiving_log_dir }}/%f'", set: '{{ psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled }}' }
- { name: 'archive_timeout', value: '120', set: '{{ psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled }}' }
- { name: 'max_wal_senders', value: '5', set: '{{ psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled }}' }
- { name: 'wal_sender_timeout', value: '60s', set: '{{ psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled }}' }
- { name: 'max_replication_slots', value: '5', set: '{{ psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled }}' }
# postgis
postgres_install_gis_extensions: False
postgres_gis_version: 2.5
- 'postgresql-{{ psql_version }}-postgis-{{ postgres_gis_version }}'
# Local backup
pg_backup_enabled: True
pg_backup_bin: /usr/local/sbin/postgresql-backup
pg_backup_pgdump_bin: /usr/bin/pg_dump
pg_backup_retain_copies: 2
pg_backup_build_db_list: "yes"
# Dynamically created from psql_db_data if pg_backup_db_list is not set
#pg_backup_db_list: '{{ psql_db_name}}'
pg_backup_base_dir: /var/lib/pgsql
pg_backup_destdir: '{{ pg_backup_base_dir }}/backups'
pg_backup_logdir: /var/log/postgresql
pg_backup_logfile: '{{ pg_backup_logdir }}/postgresql-backup.log'
pg_backup_use_auth: "no"
pg_backup_pass_file: /root/.pgpass
pg_backup_use_nagios: "yes"
# Used to configure firewalld
postgresql_firewalld_zone: '{{ firewalld_default_zone }}'

files/arping_script Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Exec /usr/bin/arping as root via sudo
sudo $CMD $@
exit $RETVAL

files/ip_script Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Exec /sbin/ip as root via sudo
sudo $CMD $@
exit $RETVAL

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
H_NAME=$( hostname -f )
DATE=$( date )
[ ! -d $PGPOOL2_CERTDIR ] && mkdir -p $PGPOOL2_CERTDIR
[ ! -d $LE_LOG_DIR ] && mkdir $LE_LOG_DIR
echo "$DATE" >> $LE_LOG_DIR/pgpool2.log
if [ -f /etc/default/letsencrypt ] ; then
. /etc/default/letsencrypt
echo "No letsencrypt default file" >> $LE_LOG_DIR/pgpool2.log
echo "Copy the key file" >> $LE_LOG_DIR/pgpool2.log
chmod 440 ${PGPOOL2_KEYFILE}
chown root ${PGPOOL2_KEYFILE}
chgrp postgres ${PGPOOL2_KEYFILE}
echo "Reload the pgpool2 service" >> $LE_LOG_DIR/pgpool2.log
if [ -x /bin/systemctl ] ; then
systemctl reload pgpool2 >> $LE_LOG_DIR/pgpool2.log 2>&1
service pgpool2 reload >> $LE_LOG_DIR/pgpool2.log 2>&1
echo "Done." >> $LE_LOG_DIR/pgpool2.log
exit 0

files/postgresql-backup.cron Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
if [ -f /etc/default/pg_backup ] ; then
. /etc/default/pg_backup
# Remote backup performed by duplicity. When active, do not run via cron
if [ -x /etc/cron.daily/duplicity_backup ] ; then
DATE=$( date )
echo "$DATE: duplicity backups active. Exiting" >> $LOG_FILE
exit 0
# Remote backup performed by BackupPC. If it is active, do not run via cron
if [ -f /var/log/backuppc.log ] ; then
TMSTMP=$( date +%s )
. /var/log/backuppc.log
if [ $LAST_BACKUP_TIME -lt 86400 -a $BACKUP_RESULT == 'OK' ] ; then
DATE=$( date )
echo "$DATE: BackupPC is active, doing nothing" >> $LOG_FILE
exit 0
export PATH="/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"
PG_SVC=$( service $PG_SERVICE status >/dev/null )
if [ $PG_BACKUP_ENABLED == 'True' ] ; then
if [ "$PG_RUNNING" -ne "0" -a "$PG_RUNNING" -ne "3" ] ; then
DATE=$( date )
echo "$DATE: The postgresql service is not running" >> $LOG_FILE
exit 1
if [ ! -d $LOG_DIR ] ; then
mkdir -p $LOG_DIR
DATE_START=$( date )
echo "$DATE_START: Starting the backup procedure" >> $LOG_FILE
DATE_END=$( date )
echo "$DATE_END: Backup procedure finished" >> $LOG_FILE
DATE=$( date )
echo "$DATE: Postgresql backups administratively disabled" >> $LOG_FILE
if [ "${USE_NAGIOS}" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ ! -d $N_LOGDIR ] ; then
mkdir -p $N_LOGDIR
exit 0

files/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
# Set up the environment
if [ -f /etc/default/pg_backup ] ; then
. /etc/default/pg_backup
# Year month day - hour minute second
SAVE_TIME=$( date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S )
#export LANG=C
# If nagios is active, save the report status for each backup
# Nagios return values: 0 = OK, 1 = WARNING, 2 = CRITICAL, 3 = UNKNOWN
create_backup_dirs() {
if [ ! -d ${BACKUPDIR} ] ; then
mkdir -p ${BACKUPDIR}
if [ ! -d ${HISTDIR} ] ; then
mkdir -p ${HISTDIR}
if [ "${PG_USE_AUTH}" == "no" ] ; then
chown -R postgres:postgres $BACKUPDIR
cleanup_old_backups() {
# Remove the old backups
find ${HISTDIR} -atime +${N_DAYS_TO_SPARE} -type f -exec rm -f {} \;
# TODELETE=$( /bin/ls "${HISTDIR}/" | awk -F '.' '{print $NF}' | sort -ruV | tail -n +${N_DAYS_TO_SPARE} )
# for i in ${TODELETE}
# do
# rm -f "${HISTDIR}/*.${i}"
# done
create_db_list() {
# The psql -l command prints too much stuff
#DB_LIST=$( psql -q -t -l -U postgres | grep -v template0 | grep -v template1 | grep -v : | grep -v ^\( | grep -v ^\- | awk '{print $1}' )
DB_LIST=$( su - postgres -c "/usr/lib/postgresql/${PG_VERSION}/bin/oid2name " | awk '{print $2}' | tail -n +4 | grep -v template0 | grep -v template1 )
run_backup_as_db_user() {
for db in $DB_LIST ; do
grep ":${db}:" "$PG_PASS_FILE" 2>/dev/null
if [ $DB_IN_AUTFILE_RETVAL -eq 0 ] ; then
PG_HOST=$( grep :${db}: $PG_PASS_FILE | cut -d : -f 1 )
PG_PORT=$( grep :${db}: $PG_PASS_FILE | cut -d : -f 2 )
PG_USER=$( grep :${db}: $PG_PASS_FILE | cut -d : -f 4 )
pushd ${BACKUPDIR}/ >/dev/null 2>&1
rm -f $
ln -s ${HISTDIR}/$$SAVE_TIME ./$
popd >/dev/null 2>&1
run_backup_as_postgres() {
su - postgres -c "pg_dumpall -g > ${HISTDIR}/$SAVE_TIME"
for db in $DB_LIST ; do
su - postgres -c "${PG_DUMP_BIN} -Fc $db > ${HISTDIR}/$$SAVE_TIME"
pushd ${BACKUPDIR}/ >/dev/null 2>&1
rm -f $
ln -s ${HISTDIR}/$$SAVE_TIME ./$
popd >/dev/null 2>&1
clear_nagios_data() {
if [ "$USE_NAGIOS" == "yes" ] ; then
write_nagios_data() {
if [ "$USE_NAGIOS" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ $DUMP_RESULT -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "$db:FAILED" >> $NAGIOS_LOG
echo "$db:OK" >> $NAGIOS_LOG
fix_backup_permissions() {
chmod -R u+rwX,g-rwx,o-rwx ${HISTDIR}
# Main
umask 0077
if [ "$BUILD_DBLIST" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ ! -f $LOCKFILE ] ; then
if [ "${PG_USE_AUTH}" == "yes" ] ; then
if [ ! -f $PG_PASS_FILE -o -z $PG_PASS_FILE ] ; then
if [ "$USE_NAGIOS" == "yes" ] ; then
echo ".pgpass file not found or empty but authentication needed. All db backups FAILED" >> $NAGIOS_LOG
exit 2
TIMESTAMP=$( date +%s )
if [ "$USE_NAGIOS" == "yes" ] ; then
echo "old backup still running:WARNING" >> $NAGIOS_LOG
exit $RETVAL

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
H_NAME=$( hostname -f )
DATE=$( date )
[ ! -d $LE_LOG_DIR ] && mkdir $LE_LOG_DIR
echo "$DATE" >> $LE_LOG_DIR/postgresql.log
if [ -f /etc/default/letsencrypt ] ; then
. /etc/default/letsencrypt
echo "No letsencrypt default file" >> $LE_LOG_DIR/postgresql.log
echo "Copy the key file" >> $LE_LOG_DIR/postgresql.log
chgrp postgres ${POSTGRESQL_KEYFILE}
echo "Restart the postgresql service" >> $LE_LOG_DIR/postgresql.log
if [ -x /bin/systemctl ] ; then
systemctl restart postgresql >> $LE_LOG_DIR/postgresql.log 2>&1
service postgresql restart >> $LE_LOG_DIR/postgresql.log 2>&1
echo "Done." >> $LE_LOG_DIR/postgresql.log
exit 0

View File

@ -1,2 +1,23 @@
# handlers file for ansible-role-template
- name: Restart postgresql
service: name=postgresql state=restarted
when: postgresql_enabled
- name: Reload postgresql
service: name=postgresql state=reloaded
when: postgresql_enabled
- name: Reload pgpool2
service: name=pgpool2 state=reloaded
when: pgpool_enabled
ignore_errors: True
- name: Restart pgpool2
service: name=pgpool2 state=restarted
when: pgpool_enabled
- name: Restart postgresql with pgpool config
service: name=postgresql state=restarted
- postgresql_enabled
- psql_restart_after_wal_enabling

View File

@ -1,61 +1,23 @@
author: your name
description: your description
author: Andrea Dell'Amico
description: Systems Architect
company: ISTI-CNR
# If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
# next line and provide a value
# Some suggested licenses:
# - BSD (default)
# - MIT
# - GPLv2
# - GPLv3
# - Apache
# - CC-BY
license: EUPL-1.2
license: EUPL 1.2+
min_ansible_version: 2.8
# If this a Container Enabled role, provide the minimum Ansible Container version.
# min_ansible_container_version:
# Optionally specify the branch Galaxy will use when accessing the GitHub
# repo for this role. During role install, if no tags are available,
# Galaxy will use this branch. During import Galaxy will access files on
# this branch. If Travis integration is configured, only notifications for this
# branch will be accepted. Otherwise, in all cases, the repo's default branch
# (usually master) will be used.
# Provide a list of supported platforms, and for each platform a list of versions.
# If you don't wish to enumerate all versions for a particular platform, use 'all'.
# To view available platforms and versions (or releases), visit:
# platforms:
# - name: Fedora
# versions:
# - all
# - 25
# - name: SomePlatform
# versions:
# - all
# - 1.0
# - 7
# - 99.99
- name: Ubuntu
- bionic
galaxy_tags: []
# List tags for your role here, one per line. A tag is a keyword that describes
# and categorizes the role. Users find roles by searching for tags. Be sure to
# remove the '[]' above, if you add tags to this list.
# NOTE: A tag is limited to a single word comprised of alphanumeric characters.
# Maximum 20 tags per role.
- postgresql
dependencies: []
# List your role dependencies here, one per line. Be sure to remove the '[]' above,
# if you add dependencies to this list.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
- name: Open the postgresql service to a specific zone.
firewalld: service=postgresql zone={{ postgresql_firewalld_zone }} permanent=True state=enabled immediate=True
- psql_listen_on_ext_int | bool
- firewalld_enabled | bool
- name: Give access to the remote postgresql client
lineinfile: name={{ psql_conf_dir }}/pg_hba.conf regexp="^host.* {{ }} {{ item.0.user }} {{ item.1 }}.*$" line="host {{ }} {{ item.0.user }} {{ item.1 }} md5"
- '{{ psql_db_data | default([]) }}'
- allowed_hosts
- psql_listen_on_ext_int | bool
- psql_db_data is defined
- item.1 is defined
- not psql_force_ssl_client_connection | bool
notify: Reload postgresql
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_hba', 'pg_db' ]
- name: Give access to the remote postgresql client, force ssl
lineinfile: name={{ psql_conf_dir }}/pg_hba.conf regexp="^host.* {{ }} {{ item.0.user }} {{ item.1 }}.*$" line="hostssl {{ }} {{ item.0.user }} {{ item.1 }} md5"
- '{{ psql_db_data | default([]) }}'
- allowed_hosts
- psql_listen_on_ext_int | bool
- psql_db_data is defined
- item.1 is defined
- psql_force_ssl_client_connection | bool
notify: Reload postgresql
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_hba', 'pg_db' ]
# No conditionals, it is needed to perform base backups when the WAL archive is active
- name: Give local access with replication privileges to the postgres user
lineinfile: name={{ psql_conf_dir }}/pg_hba.conf regexp="^local replication postgres peer" line="local replication postgres peer"
notify: Reload postgresql
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_hba', 'pg_db' ]
- name: Set the postgresql listen port
action: configfile path={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key=port value="{{ psql_db_port }}"
register: restart_postgresql
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf' ]
- name: We want postgres listen on the public IP
action: configfile path={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key=listen_addresses value="'*'"
register: restart_postgresql
- psql_listen_on_ext_int | bool
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf' ]
- name: If postgresql is only accessed from localhost make it listen only on the localhost interface
action: configfile path={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key=listen_addresses value="'localhost'"
register: restart_postgresql
- not psql_listen_on_ext_int | bool
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf' ]
- name: Log the connections
action: configfile path={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key=log_connections value="on"
register: restart_postgresql
when: psql_db_data is defined
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf' ]
- name: Log the disconnections
action: configfile path={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key=log_disconnections value="on"
register: restart_postgresql
when: psql_db_data is defined
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf' ]
- name: Log the hostnames
action: configfile path={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key=log_hostname value="on"
register: restart_postgresql
- psql_listen_on_ext_int | bool
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf' ]
- name: Set the correct permissions to the postgresql files
file: dest={{ psql_conf_dir }}/{{ item }} owner=root group=postgres mode=0640
- pg_hba.conf
- postgresql.conf
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_hba', 'pg_conf' ]
- name: Restart the postgresql server after changing parameters that need a restart
service: name=postgresql state=restarted
- restart_postgresql is changed
ignore_errors: True
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_hba', 'pg_conf' ]

View File

@ -1,2 +1,40 @@
# tasks file for ansible-role-template
- import_tasks: postgresql_org_repo.yml
when: pg_use_postgresql_org_repo
- import_tasks: packages.yml
when: psql_postgresql_install
- import_tasks: postgis.yml
when: postgres_install_gis_extensions
- import_tasks: postgresql-config.yml
when: psql_postgresql_install
- import_tasks: postgresql-ssl-config.yml
when: psql_postgresql_install
- import_tasks: psql-kernel-sharedmem.yml
- psql_postgresql_install
- psql_set_shared_memory
- import_tasks: configure-access.yml
- psql_postgresql_install
- psql_db_data is defined
- import_tasks: postgresql-service-status.yml
when: psql_postgresql_install
- import_tasks: postgres_pgpool.yml
when: psql_pgpool_install
- import_tasks: manage_pg_db.yml
- psql_postgresql_install
- psql_db_data is defined
- import_tasks: postgresql-backup.yml
- psql_postgresql_install
- import_tasks: pgpool-ii.yml
when: psql_pgpool_service_install
- import_tasks: postgresql-letsencrypt-acmetool.yml
- letsencrypt_acme_install is defined
- import_tasks: pgpool-letsencrypt-acmetool.yml
- letsencrypt_acme_install is defined

tasks/manage_pg_db.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
- name: Add a user for the postgresql DBs
become: True
become_user: postgres
postgresql_user: user={{ item.user }} password={{ item.pwd }} role_attr_flags={{ item.roles }} port={{ psql_db_port }} state={{ item.userstate | default('present') }}
with_items: '{{ psql_db_data | default(omit) }}'
when: item.roles is defined
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_db', 'pg_user' ]
- name: Add the databases with the correct owner. Or remove them, if not used anymore
become: True
become_user: postgres
postgresql_db: db={{ }} port={{ psql_db_port }} encoding={{ item.encoding }} owner={{ item.user }} template=template0 state={{ item.state | default('present') }}
with_items: '{{ psql_db_data | default(omit) }}'
when: item.managedb | default(True)
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_db' ]
- name: Manage users privileges
become: True
become_user: postgres
db: '{{ }}'
privs: '{{ item.privs }}'
#type: database
objs: "{{ item.objs | default('ALL_IN_SCHEMA') }}"
roles: '{{ item.roles }}'
port: '{{ psql_db_port }}'
state: "{{ item.userstate | default('present') }}"
grant_option: "{{ item.grant_option | default('yes') }}"
with_items: '{{ psql_db_privs | default(omit) }}'
when: psql_db_privs is defined
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_db', 'pg_user', 'postgresql_privs' ]
# - name: Add schemas to a database.
# become: True
# become_user: postgres
# postgresql_schema: database={{ }} port={{ psql_db_port }} name={{ item.1 }} owner={{ item.0.user }} state={{ item.0.schemastate | default('present') }}
# with_subelements:
# - '{{ psql_db_data | default([]) }}'
# - schema
# when:
# - item.0.manageschema | default(False)
# - item.1 is defined
# ignore_errors: True
# tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_db', 'pg_schema' ]
- name: Define a user with password, with no associated DBs
become: True
become_user: postgres
postgresql_user: user={{ item.user }} password={{ item.pwd }} port={{ psql_db_port }}
with_items: '{{ psql_db_data | default(omit) }}'
- item.pwd is defined
- item.roles is not defined
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_db' ]

tasks/packages.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
- block:
- name: Install the packages that ansible needs to manage the postgresql users and databases
apt: pkg={{ psql_ansible_needed_pkgs }} state={{ psql_pkg_state }} cache_valid_time=3600
- name: install the postgresql packages
apt: pkg={{ postgresql_pkgs }} state={{ psql_pkg_state }} cache_valid_time=3600
notify: Restart postgresql
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres' ]

tasks/pgpool-ii.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
- block:
- name: Install the pgpool package
apt: name={{ pgpool_pkgs }} state={{ psql_pgpool_pkg_state }} cache_valid_time=1800
- name: Configure pcp
#template: src=pcp.conf.j2 dest=/etc/pgpool2/pcp.conf owner=root group=postgres mode=0640
shell: pwd=`pg_md5 {{ pcp_pwd }}` ; echo "{{ pgpool_pcp_user }}:${pwd}" > /etc/pgpool2/pcp.conf ; chmod 640 /etc/pgpool2/pcp.conf; chown root:postgres /etc/pgpool2/pcp.conf
- name: Install the pgpool configuration file
template: src=pgpool.conf.j2 dest=/etc/pgpool2/pgpool.conf owner=root group=postgres mode=0640
notify: Restart pgpool2
- name: Give access to the remote postgresql clients
lineinfile: name=/etc/pgpool2/pool_hba.conf regexp="^host {{ }} {{ item.0.user }} {{ item.1 }}.*$" line="host {{ }} {{ item.0.user }} {{ item.1 }} md5"
- '{{ psql_db_data | default([]) }}'
- allowed_hosts
- psql_db_data is defined
- item.1 is defined
notify: Reload pgpool2
- name: Create the pki directory to store the pgpool key
file: dest=/etc/pki/pgpool2 state=directory owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0750
when: pgpool_enable_ssl
- name: Create a pgpool accessible ssl key file if it does not exist
copy: src=/var/lib/acme/live/{{ ansible_fqdn }}/privkey dest=/etc/pki/pgpool2/pgpool2.key owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0400 remote_src=True
when: pgpool_enable_ssl
- name: Install the pool_passwd configuration file
shell: cd /etc/pgpool2 ; pg_md5 -m -u {{ item.user }} {{ item.pwd }} ; chown root:postgres /etc/pgpool2/pool_passwd ; chmod 660 /etc/pgpool2/pool_passwd
with_items: '{{ psql_db_data | default([]) }}'
- name: Install the sudoers config that permits pgpool change the network configuration during a failover
template: src=pgpool-wd-sudoers.j2 dest=/etc/sudoers.d/pgpool-wd owner=root group=root mode=0440
- name: Install the ip script that manage the network configuration during a failover
copy: src={{ item }} dest=/sbin/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0755
- ip_script
- name: Install the arping scripts that manage the network configuration during a failover
copy: src={{ item }} dest=/usr/local/bin/{{ item }} owner=root group=root mode=0755
- arping_script
- name: Start and enable pgpool2
service: name=pgpool2 state=started enabled=yes
when: pgpool_enabled
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool', 'pcp_conf', 'pgpool_conf' ]
- block:
- name: Stop and disable pgpool2
service: name=pgpool2 state=stopped enabled=no
- name: Install the pgpool packages
apt: name={{ pgpool_pkgs }} state=absent
- name: Remove the pgpool failover sudoers file
file: dest=/etc/sudoers.d/pgpool-wd state=absent
- name: Remove the pgpool configuration directory
file: dest=/etc/pgpool2 state=absent
- name: Remove the scripts that manage the network configuration during a failover
file: dest={{ item }} state=absent
- /sbin/ip_script
- /usr/local/bin/arping_script
when: not pgpool_enabled
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
- block:
- name: Create the acme hooks directory if it does not yet exist
file: dest={{ letsencrypt_acme_services_scripts_dir }} state=directory owner=root group=root
- name: Install a script that fix the letsencrypt certificate for pgpool and then reloads the service
copy: dest={{ letsencrypt_acme_services_scripts_dir }}/pgpool owner=root group=root mode=4555
- psql_pgpool_service_install
- pgpool_letsencrypt_managed
- letsencrypt_acme_install
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool', 'letsencrypt' ]
- block:
- name: Remove the letsencrypt hook for pgpool
file: dest=/usr/lib/acme/hooks/pgpool state=absent
- psql_pgpool_service_install
- not pgpool_letsencrypt_managed
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool', 'letsencrypt' ]

tasks/postgis.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
- name: install the postgresql GIS packages
apt: pkg={{ postgres_gis_pkgs }} state={{ psql_pkg_state }} cache_valid_time=3600
notify: Restart postgresql
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'postgis' ]

tasks/postgres_pgpool.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
- name: Install the packages needed by postgres when running behind a pgpool server
apt: pkg={{ postgresql_pgpool_pkgs }} state={{ psql_pkg_state }} cache_valid_time=3600
when: psql_pgpool_install
notify: Restart postgresql
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ]
- name: Add the postgres user that will manage the recovery, if not postgres
become: True
become_user: postgres
postgresql_user: user={{ pgpool_recovery_user }} password={{ pgpool_recovery_user_pwd }} role_attr_flags=REPLICATION port={{ psql_db_port }}
- ('{{ pgpool_recovery_user }}' != 'postgres')
- pgpool_recovery_user_pwd is defined
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ]
- name: Give access to the pgpool recovery user, if it is not postgres
lineinfile: name=/etc/postgresql/{{ psql_version }}/main/pg_hba.conf regexp="^host {{ }} {{ pgpool_recovery_user }} {{ item.1 }}.*$" line="host {{ }} {{ pgpool_recovery_user }} {{ item.1 }} md5"
- '{{ psql_db_data | default([]) }}'
- allowed_hosts
- psql_db_data is defined
- item.1 is defined
- pgpool_recovery_user_pwd is defined
notify: Reload postgresql
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ]
- name: Add the system user that will manage the recovery, if not postgres
user: user={{ pgpool_recovery_user }} password={{ pgpool_recovery_user_pwd | password_hash('sha512') }} groups=postgres shell=/bin/bash system=yes
- ('{{ pgpool_recovery_user }}' != 'postgres')
- pgpool_recovery_user_pwd is defined
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ]
- name: Create the ssh keys for the recovery user
user: user={{ pgpool_recovery_user }} generate_ssh_key=yes ssh_key_bits=2048 ssh_key_file=.ssh/id_rsa ssh_key_type=rsa
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ]
- name: Install the pgpool recovery and remote restart scripts. They assume that the postgresql hosts can talk to each other
template: src={{ item.1 }}.j2 dest={{ item.0.backend_data_directory }}/main/{{ item.1 }} owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0500
- '{{ pgpool_backends | default([]) }}'
- [ '{{ pgpool_recovery_stage1_script }}', '{{ pgpool_recovery_stage2_script }}', '{{ pgpool_remote_start_script }}' ]
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ]
- name: Set the postgresql configuration parameters needed by pgpool
action: configfile path=/etc/postgresql/{{ psql_version }}/main/postgresql.conf key={{ }} value="{{ item.value }}"
with_items: '{{ psql_wal_files_conf }}'
- item.set
- psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled
notify: Restart postgresql with pgpool config
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf', 'pgpool' ]
- name: Add the pgpool postgres extensions to the template1 dbs
become: True
become_user: postgres
postgresql_ext: name={{ item }} db=template1 port={{ psql_db_port }}
- pgpool_regclass
- pgpool_recovery
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_extensions' ]
- name: Install the sudoers config that permits the postgres user to restart the service after a recovery
template: src=postgresql-sudoers.j2 dest=/etc/sudoers.d/postgres-pgpool owner=root group=root mode=0440
tags: [ 'postgres', 'postgresql', 'sudo', 'pgpool' ]
- name: Install a script that cleans up the wal log archives
template: src=postgresql_wal_backup_and_removal.j2 dest=/usr/local/sbin/postgresql_wal_backup_and_removal owner=root group=root mode=0755
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ]
- name: Install a cron job to cleanup the wal log archives
cron: name="Clean up the postgresql WAL log archives" user=postgres job="/usr/local/sbin/postgresql_wal_backup_and_removal > {{ psql_log_dir }}/wal_removal.log 2>&1" special_time=daily
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpool' ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
- name: Backup script for the postgresql database(s)
copy: dest=/usr/local/sbin/postgresql-backup owner=root mode=0744
tags: [ 'pgbackup_cron', 'pg_backup', 'postgresql', 'postgres' ]
- name: daily cron job for the postgresql database(s) backup
copy: src=postgresql-backup.cron dest=/etc/cron.daily/postgresql-backup owner=root mode=0744
when: pgbackup_cron_step is undefined or
pgbackup_cron_step < 1 or
pgbackup_cron_step > 12
tags: [ 'pgbackup_cron', 'pg_backup', 'postgresql', 'postgres' ]
- name: hour step cron job for the postgresql database(s) backup
name: "hourly step postgresql dump"
minute: "10"
hour: "*/{{ pgbackup_cron_step }}"
job: "/usr/local/sbin/postgresql-backup.cron"
when: pgbackup_cron_step is defined and
pgbackup_cron_step >=1 and
pgbackup_cron_step <= 12
tags: [ 'pgbackup_cron', 'pg_backup', 'postgresql', 'postgres' ]
- name: postgresql backup defaults
template: src=pg_backup-default.j2 dest=/etc/default/pg_backup owner=root mode=0744
tags: [ 'pg_backup', 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_db' ]
- name: Create the postgresql backups data directory
file: dest={{ pg_backup_destdir }} owner=postgres group=postgres mode=700 recurse=yes state=directory
tags: [ 'pg_backup', 'postgresql', 'postgres' ]
- name: Create the postgresql WAL files backup directories
file: dest={{ item }} owner=postgres group=postgres mode=700 recurse=yes state=directory
- '{{ psql_wal_archiving_log_dir }}'
- '{{ psql_base_backup_dir }}'
when: psql_wal_files_archiving_enabled
tags: [ 'pg_backup', 'postgresql', 'postgres' ]
- name: authorization file for the psql command
template: src=pgpass.j2 dest={{ pg_backup_pass_file }} owner=root mode=0600
tags: [ 'pg_backup', 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pgpass', 'pg_db' ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
- block:
- name: Check if the new postgresql data directory exists
stat: path={{ psql_data_dir }}
register: postgresql_data_dir
- name: Stop the postgresql service while reconfiguring the data directory
service: name=postgresql state=stopped
when: postgresql_data_dir.stat.isdir is not defined
- name: Create the postgresql data directory if it is not in the default place
file: dest={{ psql_data_dir }} owner=postgres group=postgres mode=700 recurse=yes state=directory
- name: Set the postgresql data dir if it is different from the default
become: True
become_user: postgres
action: configfile path={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key=data_directory value="'{{ psql_data_dir }}'"
- name: Copy the postgresql data directory into the new place
shell: '[ "/var/lib/postgresql/{{ psql_version }}/main" != "{{ psql_data_dir }}" ] && cp -a /var/lib/postgresql/{{ psql_version }}/main/* {{ psql_data_dir }}'
creates: '{{ psql_data_dir }}/main/base'
when: postgresql_data_dir.stat.isdir is not defined
- name: Start the postgresql service that will use the new data directory
service: name=postgresql state=started
when: postgresql_data_dir.stat.isdir is not defined
when: psql_use_alternate_data_dir
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf' ]
- name: Set some postgresql configuration parameters that require a db restart
become: True
become_user: postgres
action: configfile path={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key={{ }} value="{{ item.value }}"
with_items: '{{ psql_conf_parameters }}'
when: item.set == 'True'
notify: Restart postgresql
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf' ]
- name: Set the postgresql logging configuration parameters
become: True
become_user: postgres
action: configfile path={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key={{ }} value="{{ item.value }}"
with_items: '{{ psql_log_configuration }}'
when: item.set == 'True'
notify: Reload postgresql
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf', 'pg_conf_log' ]
- name: Set the postgresql autovacuum configuration parameters
become: True
become_user: postgres
action: configfile path={{ psql_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key={{ }} value="{{ item.value }}"
with_items: '{{ psql_autovacuum_configuration }}'
when: item.set == 'True'
notify: Reload postgresql
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf', 'pg_conf_autovacuum' ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
- block:
- name: Create the acme hooks directory if it does not yet exist
file: dest={{ letsencrypt_acme_services_scripts_dir }} state=directory owner=root group=root
- name: Install a script that fix the letsencrypt certificate for postgresql and then restarts the service
copy: dest={{ letsencrypt_acme_services_scripts_dir }}/postgresql owner=root group=root mode=4555
- postgresql_letsencrypt_managed
- letsencrypt_acme_install
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'letsencrypt' ]
- block:
- name: Remove the letsencrypt certificate hook for postgresql
file: dest=/usr/lib/acme/hooks/postgresql state=absent
- not postgresql_letsencrypt_managed
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'letsencrypt' ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
- name: Ensure that the postgresql server is started
service: name=postgresql state=started enabled=yes
when: postgresql_enabled
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres' ]
- name: Ensure that the postgresql server is stopped and disabled
service: name=postgresql state=stopped enabled=no
when: not postgresql_enabled
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres' ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
- block:
- name: Setup SSL in the postgresql configuration
become: True
become_user: postgres
action: configfile path=/etc/postgresql/{{ psql_version }}/main/postgresql.conf key={{ }} value="'{{ item.value }}'"
with_items: '{{ psql_conf_ssl_parameters }}'
notify: Restart postgresql
- name: Create the pki directory to store the postgresql key
file: dest=/etc/pki/postgresql state=directory owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0750
- name: Create a postgres accessible ssl key file if it does not exist
copy: src={{ psql_ssl_privkey_global_file }} dest={{ psql_ssl_privkey_file }} owner=postgres group=postgres mode=0400 remote_src=True
when: psql_enable_ssl
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_ssl_conf', 'pg_conf' ]
- block:
- name: Disable SSL in the postgresql configuration
become: True
become_user: postgres
action: configfile path=/etc/postgresql/{{ psql_version }}/main/postgresql.conf key={{ }} value="'{{ item.value }}'"
with_items: '{{ psql_conf_disable_ssl_parameters }}'
notify: Restart postgresql
when: not psql_enable_ssl
tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_ssl_conf', 'pg_conf' ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
- name: Get the signing key for the repository
apt_key: url= state=present
when: pg_use_postgresql_org_repo
- postgresql
- postgresql_repo
- name: Setup the repository
apt_repository: repo='deb {{ ansible_lsb.codename }}-pgdg main' update_cache=yes
when: pg_use_postgresql_org_repo
- postgresql
- postgresql_repo

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
- name: Configure the kernel shared memory to please postgresql
sysctl: name={{ }} value={{ item.value }} sysctl_file=/etc/sysctl.d/{{ psql_sysctl_file }} reload=yes state=present
with_items: '{{ psql_sysctl_kernel_sharedmem_parameters }}'
when: psql_set_shared_memory
- sysctl
- postgresql

templates/pcp.conf.j2 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{{ pgpool_pcp_user }}:{{ '{{ pcp_pwd }}' | pg_md5 }}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
PG_BACKUP_ENABLED={{ pg_backup_enabled }}
PG_VERSION={{ psql_version }}
PG_DUMP_BIN={{ pg_backup_pgdump_bin }}
PG_BCK_BIN={{ pg_backup_bin }}
{% if pg_backup_enabled %}
USE_NAGIOS={{ pg_backup_use_nagios }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
LOG_DIR={{ pg_backup_logdir }}
LOG_FILE={{ pg_backup_logfile}}
N_DAYS_TO_SPARE={{ pg_backup_retain_copies }}
BUILD_DBLIST={{ pg_backup_build_db_list }}
{% if pg_backup_db_list is defined %}
DB_LIST="{{ pg_backup_db_list }}"
{% else %}
{% if psql_db_data is defined %}
DB_LIST="{% for db in psql_db_data %}{% if db.managedb is defined and db.managedb %}{{ }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}"
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
PG_USE_AUTH={{ pg_backup_use_auth }}
PG_PASS_FILE={{ pg_backup_pass_file }}
BACKUPDIR={{ pg_backup_destdir }}

templates/pgpass.j2 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Loop psql_db_data to add multiple databases
{% if psql_db_data is defined %}
{% for db in psql_db_data %}
{% if db.pwd is defined %}
{% if db.managedb is defined and db.managedb %}
{{ psql_db_host }}:{{ psql_db_port }}:{{ }}:{{ db.user }}:{{ db.pwd }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
{{ pgpool_recovery_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/ip
{{ pgpool_recovery_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/arping

templates/pgpool.conf.j2 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,677 @@
# ----------------------------
# pgPool-II configuration file
# ----------------------------
# This file consists of lines of the form:
# name = value
# Whitespace may be used. Comments are introduced with "#" anywhere on a line.
# The complete list of parameter names and allowed values can be found in the
# pgPool-II documentation.
# This file is read on server startup and when the server receives a SIGHUP
# signal. If you edit the file on a running system, you have to SIGHUP the
# server for the changes to take effect, or use "pgpool reload". Some
# parameters, which are marked below, require a server shutdown and restart to
# take effect.
# - pgpool Connection Settings -
listen_addresses = '{{ pgpool_listen_addresses }}'
# Host name or IP address to listen on:
# '*' for all, '' for no TCP/IP connections
# (change requires restart)
port = {{ pgpool_port }}
# Port number
# (change requires restart)
socket_dir = '/var/run/postgresql'
# Unix domain socket path
# The Debian package defaults to
# /var/run/postgresql
# (change requires restart)
listen_backlog_multiplier = {{ pgpool_listen_backlog_multiplier }}
# Set the backlog parameter of listen(2) to
# num_init_children * listen_backlog_multiplier.
# (change requires restart)
# - pgpool Communication Manager Connection Settings -
pcp_listen_addresses = '{{ pgpool_pcp_listen_addresses }}'
# Host name or IP address for pcp process to listen on:
# '*' for all, '' for no TCP/IP connections
# (change requires restart)
pcp_port = {{ pgpool_pcp_port }}
# Port number for pcp
# (change requires restart)
pcp_socket_dir = '/var/run/postgresql'
# Unix domain socket path for pcp
# The Debian package defaults to
# /var/run/postgresql
# (change requires restart)
# - Backend Connection Settings -
{% for bk in pgpool_backends %}
backend_hostname{{}} = '{{ bk.hostname }}'
backend_port{{ }} = {{ bk.backend_port }}
backend_weight{{ }} = {{ bk.backend_weight }}
backend_data_directory{{ }} = '{{ bk.backend_data_directory }}'
backend_flag{{ }} = '{{ bk.backend_flag }}'
{% endfor %}
# - Authentication -
enable_pool_hba = {{ pgpool_enable_pool_hba }}
# Use pool_hba.conf for client authentication
pool_passwd = '{{ pgpool_pool_passwd }}'
# File name of pool_passwd for md5 authentication.
# "" disables pool_passwd.
# (change requires restart)
authentication_timeout = 60
# Delay in seconds to complete client authentication
# 0 means no timeout.
{% if pgpool_enable_ssl %}
# - SSL Connections -
ssl = on
ssl_key = '{{ pgpool_ssl_key }}'
ssl_cert = '{{ pgpool_ssl_cert }}'
ssl_ca_cert = '{{ pgpool_ssl_ca }}'
ssl_ca_cert_dir = '{{ pgpool_ssl_ca_dir }}'
{% endif %}
# - Pool size -
num_init_children = {{ pgpool_num_init_children }}
# Number of pools
# (change requires restart)
max_pool = {{ pgpool_max_pool }}
# Number of connections per pool
# (change requires restart)
# - Life time -
child_life_time = {{ pgpool_child_life_time }}
# Pool exits after being idle for this many seconds
child_max_connections = {{ pgpool_child_max_connections }}
# Pool exits after receiving that many connections
# 0 means no exit
connection_life_time = {{ pgpool_connection_life_time }}
# Connection to backend closes after being idle for this many seconds
# 0 means no close
client_idle_limit = {{ pgpool_client_idle_limit }}
# Client is disconnected after being idle for that many seconds
# (even inside an explicit transactions!)
# 0 means no disconnection
# - Where to log -
log_destination = '{{ pgpool_log_destination }}'
# Where to log
# Valid values are combinations of stderr,
# and syslog. Default to stderr.
# - What to log -
log_line_prefix = '%t: pid %p: ' # printf-style string to output at beginning of each log line.
log_connections = {{ pgpool_log_connections }}
# Log connections
log_hostname = {{ pgpool_log_hostname }}
# Hostname will be shown in ps status
# and in logs if connections are logged
log_statement = {{ pgpool_log_statement }}
# Log all statements
log_per_node_statement = {{ pgpool_log_per_node_statement }}
# Log all statements
# with node and backend informations
log_standby_delay = 'none'
# Log standby delay
# Valid values are combinations of always,
# if_over_threshold, none
# - Syslog specific -
syslog_facility = 'LOCAL0'
# Syslog local facility. Default to LOCAL0
syslog_ident = 'pgpool'
# Syslog program identification string
# Default to 'pgpool'
# - Debug -
debug_level = {{ pgpool_debug_level }}
# Debug message verbosity level
# 0 means no message, 1 or more mean verbose
#log_error_verbosity = default # terse, default, or verbose messages
#client_min_messages = notice # values in order of decreasing detail:
# debug5
# debug4
# debug3
# debug2
# debug1
# log
# notice
# warning
# error
#log_min_messages = warning # values in order of decreasing detail:
# debug5
# debug4
# debug3
# debug2
# debug1
# info
# notice
# warning
# error
# log
# fatal
# panic
pid_file_name = '/var/run/postgresql/'
# PID file name
# (change requires restart)
logdir = '/var/log/postgresql'
# Directory of pgPool status file
# (change requires restart)
connection_cache = on
# Activate connection pools
# (change requires restart)
# Semicolon separated list of queries
# to be issued at the end of a session
# The default is for 8.3 and later
reset_query_list = 'ABORT; DISCARD ALL'
# The following one is for 8.2 and before
serialize_accept = {{ pgpool_serialize_accept }}
replication_mode = {{ pgpool_replication_mode }}
# Activate replication mode
# (change requires restart)
replicate_select = {{ pgpool_replicate_select }}
# Replicate SELECT statements
# when in replication mode
# replicate_select is higher priority than
# load_balance_mode.
insert_lock = {{ pgpool_insert_lock }}
# Automatically locks a dummy row or a table
# with INSERT statements to keep SERIAL data
# consistency
# Without SERIAL, no lock will be issued
lobj_lock_table = '{{ pgpool_lobj_lock_table }}'
# When rewriting lo_creat command in
# replication mode, specify table name to
# lock
# - Degenerate handling -
replication_stop_on_mismatch = {{ pgpool_replication_stop_on_mismatch }}
# On disagreement with the packet kind
# sent from backend, degenerate the node
# which is most likely "minority"
# If off, just force to exit this session
failover_if_affected_tuples_mismatch = {{ pgpool_failover_if_affected_tuples_mismatch }}
# On disagreement with the number of affected
# tuples in UPDATE/DELETE queries, then
# degenerate the node which is most likely
# "minority".
# If off, just abort the transaction to
# keep the consistency
load_balance_mode = {{ pgpool_load_balance_mode }}
# Activate load balancing mode
# (change requires restart)
ignore_leading_white_space = {{ pgpool_ignore_leading_white_space }}
# Ignore leading white spaces of each query
white_function_list = '{{ pgpool_white_function_list }}'
# Comma separated list of function names
# that don't write to database
# Regexp are accepted
black_function_list = '{{ pgpool_black_function_list }}'
# Comma separated list of function names
# that write to database
# Regexp are accepted
database_redirect_preference_list = ''
# comma separated list of pairs of database and node id.
# example: postgres:primary,mydb[0-4]:1,mydb[5-9]:2'
# valid for streaming replicaton mode only.
app_name_redirect_preference_list = ''
# comma separated list of pairs of app name and node id.
# example: 'psql:primary,myapp[0-4]:1,myapp[5-9]:standby'
# valid for streaming replicaton mode only.
allow_sql_comments = {{ pgpool_allow_sql_comments }}
# if on, ignore SQL comments when judging if load balance or
# query cache is possible.
# If off, SQL comments effectively prevent the judgment
# (pre 3.4 behavior).
master_slave_mode = off
# Activate master/slave mode
# (change requires restart)
master_slave_sub_mode = 'slony'
# Master/slave sub mode
# Valid values are combinations slony or
# stream. Default is slony.
# (change requires restart)
# - Streaming -
sr_check_period = 0
# Streaming replication check period
# Disabled (0) by default
sr_check_user = 'nobody'
# Streaming replication check user
# This is neccessary even if you disable streaming
# replication delay check by sr_check_period = 0
sr_check_password = ''
# Password for streaming replication check user
delay_threshold = 0
# Threshold before not dispatching query to standby node
# Unit is in bytes
# Disabled (0) by default
# - Special commands -
follow_master_command = ''
# Executes this command after master failover
# Special values:
# %d = node id
# %h = host name
# %p = port number
# %D = database cluster path
# %m = new master node id
# %H = hostname of the new master node
# %M = old master node id
# %P = old primary node id
# %r = new master port number
# %R = new master database cluster path
# %% = '%' character
health_check_period = 0
# Health check period
# Disabled (0) by default
health_check_timeout = 20
# Health check timeout
# 0 means no timeout
health_check_user = 'nobody'
# Health check user
health_check_password = ''
# Password for health check user
health_check_max_retries = 0
# Maximum number of times to retry a failed health check before giving up.
health_check_retry_delay = 1
# Amount of time to wait (in seconds) between retries.
connect_timeout = 10000
# Timeout value in milliseconds before giving up to connect to backend.
# Default is 10000 ms (10 second). Flaky network user may want to increase
# the value. 0 means no timeout.
# Note that this value is not only used for health check,
# but also for ordinary conection to backend.
failover_command = ''
# Executes this command at failover
# Special values:
# %d = node id
# %h = host name
# %p = port number
# %D = database cluster path
# %m = new master node id
# %H = hostname of the new master node
# %M = old master node id
# %P = old primary node id
# %r = new master port number
# %R = new master database cluster path
# %% = '%' character
failback_command = ''
# Executes this command at failback.
# Special values:
# %d = node id
# %h = host name
# %p = port number
# %D = database cluster path
# %m = new master node id
# %H = hostname of the new master node
# %M = old master node id
# %P = old primary node id
# %r = new master port number
# %R = new master database cluster path
# %% = '%' character
fail_over_on_backend_error = {{ pgpool_fail_over_on_backend_error }}
# Initiates failover when reading/writing to the
# backend communication socket fails
# If set to off, pgpool will report an
# error and disconnect the session.
search_primary_node_timeout = 10
# Timeout in seconds to search for the
# primary node when a failover occurs.
# 0 means no timeout, keep searching
# for a primary node forever.
recovery_user = '{{ pgpool_recovery_user }}'
# Online recovery user
{% if pgpool_recovery_user_pwd is defined %}
recovery_password = '{{ pgpool_recovery_user_pwd | default() }}'
# Online recovery password
{% else %}
recovery_password = ''
{% endif %}
recovery_1st_stage_command = '{{ pgpool_recovery_stage1_script }}'
# Executes a command in first stage
recovery_2nd_stage_command = '{{ pgpool_recovery_stage2_script }}'
# Executes a command in second stage
recovery_timeout = {{ pgpool_recovery_timeout }}
# Timeout in seconds to wait for the
# recovering node's postmaster to start up
# 0 means no wait
client_idle_limit_in_recovery = {{ pgpool_client_idle_limit_in_recovery }}
# Client is disconnected after being idle
# for that many seconds in the second stage
# of online recovery
# 0 means no disconnection
# -1 means immediate disconnection
# - Enabling -
use_watchdog = {{ pgpool_use_watchdog }}
# Activates watchdog
# (change requires restart)
# -Connection to up stream servers -
trusted_servers = '{{ pgpool_wd_trusted_servers }}'
# trusted server list which are used
# to confirm network connection
# (hostA,hostB,hostC,...)
# (change requires restart)
ping_path = '/bin'
# ping command path
# (change requires restart)
# - Watchdog communication Settings -
wd_hostname = '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}'
# Host name or IP address of this watchdog
# (change requires restart)
wd_port = 9000
# port number for watchdog service
# (change requires restart)
wd_authkey = '{{ pgpool_wd_authkey }}'
# Authentication key for watchdog communication
# (change requires restart)
# - Virtual IP control Setting -
delegate_IP = '{{ pgpool_virtual_ip }}'
# delegate IP address
# If this is empty, virtual IP never bring up.
# (change requires restart)
if_cmd_path = '/sbin'
# ifconfig command path
# (change requires restart)
if_up_cmd = 'ip_script addr add {{ pgpool_virtual_ip }}/{{ pgpool_virtual_netmask }} dev {{ ansible_default_ipv4.alias }}'
# startup delegate IP command
# (change requires restart)
if_down_cmd = 'ip_script addr del {{ pgpool_virtual_ip }}/{{ pgpool_virtual_netmask }} dev {{ ansible_default_ipv4.alias }}'
# shutdown delegate IP command
# (change requires restart)
arping_path = '/usr/local/bin' # arping command path
# (change requires restart)
arping_cmd = 'arping_script -U $_IP_$ -w 1'
# arping command
# (change requires restart)
# - Behaivor on escalation Setting -
clear_memqcache_on_escalation = on
# Clear all the query cache on shared memory
# when standby pgpool escalate to active pgpool
# (= virtual IP holder).
# This should be off if client connects to pgpool
# not using virtual IP.
# (change requires restart)
wd_escalation_command = 'date >> {{ psql_log_dir }}/wd_pgpool_escalation.log'
# Executes this command at escalation on new active pgpool.
# (change requires restart)
wd_de_escalation_command = 'date >> {{ psql_log_dir }}/wd_pgpool_de_escalation.log'
# - Lifecheck Setting -
# -- common --
wd_monitoring_interfaces_list = 'any'
wd_lifecheck_method = 'heartbeat'
# Method of watchdog lifecheck ('heartbeat' or 'query')
# (change requires restart)
wd_interval = 10
# lifecheck interval (sec) > 0
# (change requires restart)
wd_priority = {{ pgpool_wd_priority }}
{% if pgpool_wd_heartbeat_mode %}
# -- heartbeat mode --
wd_heartbeat_port = {{ pgpool_wd_heartbeat_port }}
# Port number for receiving heartbeat signal
# (change requires restart)
wd_heartbeat_keepalive = {{ pgpool_wd_heartbeat_keepalive_int }}
# Interval time of sending heartbeat signal (sec)
# (change requires restart)
wd_heartbeat_deadtime = {{ pgpool_wd_heartbeat_deadtime }}
# Deadtime interval for heartbeat signal (sec)
# (change requires restart)
heartbeat_destination0 = '{{ pgpool_wd_heartbeat_dest0 }}'
# Host name or IP address of destination 0
# for sending heartbeat signal.
# (change requires restart)
heartbeat_destination_port0 = {{ pgpool_wd_heartbeat_dest0_port }}
# Port number of destination 0 for sending
# heartbeat signal. Usually this is the
# same as wd_heartbeat_port.
# (change requires restart)
heartbeat_device0 = ''
# Name of NIC device (such like 'eth0')
# used for sending/receiving heartbeat
# signal to/from destination 0.
# This works only when this is not empty
# and pgpool has root privilege.
# (change requires restart)
{% else %}
# -- query mode --
wd_life_point = 3
# lifecheck retry times
# (change requires restart)
wd_lifecheck_query = 'SELECT 1'
# lifecheck query to pgpool from watchdog
# (change requires restart)
wd_lifecheck_dbname = 'template1'
# Database name connected for lifecheck
# (change requires restart)
wd_lifecheck_user = 'nobody'
# watchdog user monitoring pgpools in lifecheck
# (change requires restart)
wd_lifecheck_password = ''
# Password for watchdog user in lifecheck
# (change requires restart)
{% endif %}
# - Other pgpool Connection Settings -
other_pgpool_hostname0 = '{{ pgpool_wd_heartbeat_dest0 }}'
# Host name or IP address to connect to for other pgpool 0
# (change requires restart)
other_pgpool_port0 = {{ pgpool_port }}
# Port number for othet pgpool 0
# (change requires restart)
other_wd_port0 = {{ pgpool_wd_port }}
# Port number for othet watchdog 0
# (change requires restart)
relcache_expire = {{ pgpool_relcache_expire }}
# Life time of relation cache in seconds.
# 0 means no cache expiration(the default).
# The relation cache is used for cache the
# query result against PostgreSQL system
# catalog to obtain various information
# including table structures or if it's a
# temporary table or not. The cache is
# maintained in a pgpool child local memory
# and being kept as long as it survives.
# If someone modify the table by using
# ALTER TABLE or some such, the relcache is
# not consistent anymore.
# For this purpose, cache_expiration
# controls the life time of the cache.
relcache_size = 256
# Number of relation cache
# entry. If you see frequently:
# "pool_search_relcache: cache replacement happend"
# in the pgpool log, you might want to increate this number.
check_temp_table = on
# If on, enable temporary table check in SELECT statements.
# This initiates queries against system catalog of primary/master
# thus increases load of master.
# If you are absolutely sure that your system never uses temporary tables
# and you want to save access to primary/master, you could turn this off.
# Default is on.
check_unlogged_table = on
# If on, enable unlogged table check in SELECT statements.
# This initiates queries against system catalog of primary/master
# thus increases load of master.
# If you are absolutely sure that your system never uses unlogged tables
# and you want to save access to primary/master, you could turn this off.
# Default is on.
memory_cache_enabled = {{ pgpool_memory_cache_enabled }}
# If on, use the memory cache functionality, off by default
memqcache_method = '{{ pgpool_memqcache_method }}'
# Cache storage method. either 'shmem'(shared memory) or
# 'memcached'. 'shmem' by default
# (change requires restart)
memqcache_memcached_host = '{{ pgpool_memqcache_memcached_host }}'
# Memcached host name or IP address. Mandatory if
# memqcache_method = 'memcached'.
# Defaults to localhost.
# (change requires restart)
memqcache_memcached_port = {{ pgpool_memqcache_memcached_port }}
# Memcached port number. Mondatory if memqcache_method = 'memcached'.
# Defaults to 11211.
# (change requires restart)
memqcache_total_size = 67108864
# Total memory size in bytes for storing memory cache.
# Mandatory if memqcache_method = 'shmem'.
# Defaults to 64MB.
# (change requires restart)
memqcache_max_num_cache = 1000000
# Total number of cache entries. Mandatory
# if memqcache_method = 'shmem'.
# Each cache entry consumes 48 bytes on shared memory.
# Defaults to 1,000,000(45.8MB).
# (change requires restart)
memqcache_expire = {{ pgpool_memqcache_expire }} # Memory cache entry life time specified in seconds.
# 0 means infinite life time. 0 by default.
# (change requires restart)
memqcache_auto_cache_invalidation = {{ pgpool_memqcache_auto_cache_invalidation }}
# If on, invalidation of query cache is triggered by corresponding
# DDL/DML/DCL(and memqcache_expire). If off, it is only triggered
# by memqcache_expire. on by default.
# (change requires restart)
memqcache_maxcache = 409600
# Maximum SELECT result size in bytes.
# Must be smaller than memqcache_cache_block_size. Defaults to 400KB.
# (change requires restart)
memqcache_cache_block_size = 1048576
# Cache block size in bytes. Mandatory if memqcache_method = 'shmem'.
# Defaults to 1MB.
# (change requires restart)
memqcache_oiddir = '/var/log/pgpool/oiddir'
# Temporary work directory to record table oids
# (change requires restart)
white_memqcache_table_list = ''
# Comma separated list of table names to memcache
# that don't write to database
# Regexp are accepted
black_memqcache_table_list = ''
# Comma separated list of table names not to memcache
# that don't write to database
# Regexp are accepted

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# PGpool stage 1 recovery script
# Reference:
TS=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)
MASTER_HOST=$(hostname -f)
# $1 is {{ psql_data_dir }}/main while $3 is {{ psql_data_dir }}
MASTER_DATA_BASE_DIR={{ psql_data_dir }}
RECOVERY_DATA_BASE_DIR={{ psql_data_dir }}
logger "pgpool_recovery_1: MASTER_DATA=$MASTER_DATA"
logger "pgpool_recovery_1: RECOVERY_DATA=$RECOVERY_DATA"
archive_dir={{ psql_wal_archiving_log_dir }}
# Ensure that postgres is shut down on the target node
ssh -T $RECOVERY_TARGET sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql stop
# Move the PostgreSQL data directory out of our way.
# If the archive dir is not empty the backup fails
"[ -d $archive_dir ] && rm $archive_dir/*"
# We only use archived WAL logs during recoveries, so delete all
# logs from the last recovery to limit the growth.
rm $archive_dir/*
# With this file present, our archive_command will actually
# archive WAL files.
touch $archive_dir/backup_in_progress
psql -c "select pg_start_backup('pgpool-recovery')" postgres
echo "restore_command = 'scp $MASTER_HOST:$archive_dir/%f %p'" > $RECOVERY_DATA/recovery.conf
tar -C $MASTER_DATA_BASE_DIR -zcf pgsql.tar.gz main
psql -c 'select pg_stop_backup()' postgres

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Online recovery 2nd stage script
MASTER_DATA_BASE_DIR={{ psql_data_dir }}
RECOVERY_DATA_BASE_DIR={{ psql_data_dir }}
port={{ psql_db_port }} # PostgreSQL port number
archive_dir={{ psql_wal_archiving_log_dir }}
logger "pgpool_recovery_2: MASTER_DATA=$MASTER_DATA"
logger "pgpool_recovery_2: RECOVERY_DATA=$RECOVERY_DATA"
logger "pgpool_recovery_2: archive_dir=$archive_dir"
# Force to flush current value of sequences to xlog
psql -p $port -t -c 'SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE NOT datistemplate AND datallowconn' template1|
while read i
if [ "$i" != "" ];then
psql -p $port -c "SELECT setval(oid, nextval(oid)) FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'S'" $i
# Flush all transactions to disk. Since pgpool stopped all connections,
# there cannot be any data that does not reside on disk until the
# to-be-recovered host is back on line.
psql -p $port -c "SELECT pgpool_switch_xlog('$archive_dir')" template1
# Copy over all archive logs at once.
rsync -avx --delete $archive_dir/ \
# Delete the flag file to disable WAL archiving again.
rm $archive_dir/backup_in_progress

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Deploy a base backup
ssh -T $DEST 'cd {{ psql_data_dir }}; tar zxf pgsql.tar.gz' 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null < /dev/null
# Startup PostgreSQL server
ssh -T $DEST sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null < /dev/null

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
postgres ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/postgres*

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
BASE_BACKUP_DIR={{ psql_base_backup_dir }}
WAL_ARCHIVES_LOG_DIR={{ psql_wal_archiving_log_dir }}
# The base backup dir needs to be empty
pg_basebackup -F t -z -D $BASE_BACKUP_DIR
WAL_LATEST_BACKUP=$( /bin/ls -1tr *.backup | tail -1 )
exit $?