This modification removes the old way to define simplexes (already deprecated and unsupported).
In the following SIMPLEX = [vertex|edge|face|tetrahedron]
All the stuff that was in vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has now been promoted to vcg/simplex/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/with has been removed
- the file vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base.h has been renamed into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base_old.h
- the content of vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been moved into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been removed
Actions the update the code using vcglib:
replace <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/*> with <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/*> in every include
for MESHLAB users: already done along with this commit
Added default template to TriMesh to include the edges.
Added peredge attributes.
These modification do not require any change to the code using TriMesh, but it allows
to specify a real type of edge in case you want to use it.
with both old and new version. The fixes include:
- dot product: vec0 * vec1 => (I added .dot() to the old Point classes too)
- Transpose: Transpose is an Eigen type, so we cannot keep it if Eigen is used. Therefore
I added a .tranpose() to old matrix classes, and modified most of the Transpose() to transpose()
both in vcg and meshlab. In fact, transpose() are free with Eigen, it simply returns a transpose
expression without copies. On the other be carefull: m = m.transpose() won't work as expected,
here me must evaluate to a temporary: m = m.transpose().eval(); However, this operation in very
rarely needed: you transpose at the same sime you set m, or you use m.transpose() directly.
- the last issue is Normalize which both modifies *this and return a ref to it. This behavior
don't make sense anymore when using expression template, e.g., in (a+b).Normalize(), the type
of a+b if not a Point (or whatever Vector types), it an expression of the addition of 2 points,
so we cannot modify the value of *this, since there is no value. Therefore I've already changed
all those .Normalize() of expressions to the Eigen's version .normalized().
- Finally I've changed the Zero to SetZero in the old Point classes too.
* curently nothing change if you don't define VCG_USE_EIGEN
* make Matrix*, Point3 and Point4 derive Eigen::Matrix (still ugly)
* now catching all the dot products to replace them by .dot()
note that most of meshlab already compile