Changed the basic reflection mechanism: Instead of having a function templates over all the four containers now we template over Trimesh and we rely on a second function templated on face/vert that wants a vector<face> ; this second function only is eventually overloaded by another function that needs a vector_ocf of faces.
That is Before we had:
- in complex.h
template < class CType0, class CType1, class CType2 , class CType3>
bool HasPerFaceVFAdjacency (const TriMesh < CType0, CType1, CType2, CType3> & /*m*/) {return TriMesh < CType0 , CType1, CType2, CType3>::FaceContainer::value_type::HasVFAdjacency();}
- in the component_ocf.h
template < class VertContainerType, class FaceType, class Container1, class Container2 >
bool HasPerFaceVFAdjacency (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , face::vector_ocf< FaceType >, Container1, Container2 > & m)
if(FaceType::HasVFAdjacencyOcf()) return m.face.IsVFAdjacencyEnabled();
else return FaceType::FaceType::HasVFAdjacency();
While now we have:
- in complex.h
template < class FaceType > bool FaceVectorHasPerFaceVFAdjacency (const std::vector<FaceType > &) { return FaceType::HasVFAdjacency(); }
template < class TriMeshType> bool HasPerFaceVFAdjacency (const TriMeshType &m) { return tri::FaceVectorHasPerFaceVFAdjacency (m.vert); }
- and in component_ocf.h
template < class FaceType >
bool FaceVectorHasPerFaceVFAdjacency(const face::vector_ocf<FaceType> &fv)
if(FaceType::HasVFAdjacencyOcf()) return fv.IsVFAdjacencyEnabled();
else return FaceType::HasVFAdjacency();
This changed implied the fact that you need different functor constructor (you have to keep the mesh inside it to know at runtime if some attribute are present or not)
1) the name of the supposedly non changed mesh is done explicit in the template name
2) If the the selection of the vertexes is not consistent with the face selection the append could build faces referencing non existent vertices so it is mandatory that the selection of the vertices reflects the loose selection from edges and faces (e.g. if a face is selected all its vertices must be selected
for(unsigned int vi = 0; vi < 2; ++vi)
size_t i = Index(mr,er.cEEp(vi));
el.EEp(i) = (i>ml.edge.size())? 0 : &ml.edge[remap.edge[i]];
el.EEi(i) = er.cEEi(i);
el.EEp(i) should be el.EEp(vi) !!!!
** It must not crash if you try to delete a non existing attribute,
because you do not have a way of asking for a handle of an attribute for which you do not know the type.