No more need of including them.
It was needed to avoid the issue of wrong inclusion order that could trigger a failure in the partial specialization of the reflection functions that should say if a component is present or not...
- Cleaned up include order: Now you only need to include <vcg/complex/complex.h> (no more vertex/base.h etc)
- Added official VN() EN() FN() const members for knowing number of vertexes etc...
- Added exceptions (at last!)
Now instead of:
you should write:
if(!HasPerFaceNormal(m)) throw vcg::MissingComponentException();
Corrected the name of the function allocating a user bit among the flags of the simplexes.
Changed in ALL the simplexes (vertex, edge, face, etc) and updating functions.
Note that the LastBitFlag should never be used by common users...
About the point to mesh distance functionalities
Now the two different 'path' for this distance computation (with or without the precomputation of planes and edges for triangular faces) are well distinct and with different names:
PointDistanceEP and PointDistanceBase
See the sample/trimesh_closest sample for more details
Changed the basic reflection mechanism: Instead of having a function templates over all the four containers now we template over Trimesh and we rely on a second function templated on face/vert that wants a vector<face> ; this second function only is eventually overloaded by another function that needs a vector_ocf of faces.
That is Before we had:
- in complex.h
template < class CType0, class CType1, class CType2 , class CType3>
bool HasPerFaceVFAdjacency (const TriMesh < CType0, CType1, CType2, CType3> & /*m*/) {return TriMesh < CType0 , CType1, CType2, CType3>::FaceContainer::value_type::HasVFAdjacency();}
- in the component_ocf.h
template < class VertContainerType, class FaceType, class Container1, class Container2 >
bool HasPerFaceVFAdjacency (const TriMesh < VertContainerType , face::vector_ocf< FaceType >, Container1, Container2 > & m)
if(FaceType::HasVFAdjacencyOcf()) return m.face.IsVFAdjacencyEnabled();
else return FaceType::FaceType::HasVFAdjacency();
While now we have:
- in complex.h
template < class FaceType > bool FaceVectorHasPerFaceVFAdjacency (const std::vector<FaceType > &) { return FaceType::HasVFAdjacency(); }
template < class TriMeshType> bool HasPerFaceVFAdjacency (const TriMeshType &m) { return tri::FaceVectorHasPerFaceVFAdjacency (m.vert); }
- and in component_ocf.h
template < class FaceType >
bool FaceVectorHasPerFaceVFAdjacency(const face::vector_ocf<FaceType> &fv)
if(FaceType::HasVFAdjacencyOcf()) return fv.IsVFAdjacencyEnabled();
else return FaceType::HasVFAdjacency();
It has a bug that could return a nan in some degnerate case where an almost null face has different vertices but the squared distance between them could be zero.
Now it should handle also these cases.
No modification should be necessary for the existing code.
most relevant changes:
creation of folder:
addition to the container of half edges to the trimesh:
HEdgeContainer hedge; // container
int hn; // number of half edges
addition of
which contains:
- the functions to compute the half edge representation from the indexed and vivecersa
- the functions to add or remove an half edge
added type traits to support the mod below:
[ Changes in definition of TriMesh: PART II ]
Note: No changes to existing code need be the done, this mod
should be fully backward compatible
Old way to define a TriMesh ==============
struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< vector<MyVertex> , vector <MyFace> >{};
new ways to define a TriMesh ==============
struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< CONT1 >{};
struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< CONT1 , CONT2>{};
struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< CONT1 , CONT2, CONT3>{};
where CONT[i] can be vector< [MyVertex | MyEdge | MyFace ] >
(the order is unimportant)
[ Changes in definition of TriMesh: PART II ]
Note: No changes to existing code need be the done, this mod
should be fully backward compatible
Old way to define a TriMesh ==============
struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< vector<MyVertex> , vector <MyFace> >{};
new ways to define a TriMesh ==============
struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< CONT1 >{};
struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< CONT1 , CONT2>{};
struct MyMesh: public vcg::tri::TriMesh< CONT1 , CONT2, CONT3>{};
where CONT[i] can be vector< [MyVertex | MyEdge | MyFace ] >
(the order is unimportant)
Note for the developers: the change to make to existing projects is very little
but strictly necessary to compile. This change IS NOT backward compliant.
==== OLD ==== way to define a TriMesh:
// forward declarations
class MyVertex;
class MyEdge;
class MyFace;
class MyVertex: public VertexSimp2 < MyVertex, MyEdge, MyFace, vertex::Coord3f,...other components>{};
class MyFace: public FaceSimp2 < MyVertex, MyEdge, MyFace, face::VertexRef,...other components>{};
class MyMesh: public TriMesh<vector<MyVertex>,vector<MyFace> >{};
==== NEW ==== way to define a TriMesh:
// forward declarations
class MyVertex;
class MyEdge;
class MyFace;
// declaration of which types is used as VertexType, which type is used as FaceType and so on...
class MyUsedTypes: public vcg::UsedType < vcg::Use<MyVertex>::AsVertexType,
class MyVertex: public Vertex < MyUsedTypes, vertex::Coord3f,...other components>{};
class MyFace: public Face < MyUsedTypes, face::VertexRef,...other components>{};
class MyMesh: public TriMesh<vector<MyVertex>,vector<MyFace> >{};
===== classes introduced
[vcg::UsedType] : it is a class containing all the types that must be passed to the definition of Vertex, Face, Edge... This
class replaces the list of typenames to pass as first templates and the need to specify the maximal simplicial. So
<MyVertex, MyEdge, MyFace becomes <MyUsedTypes<
VertexSimp2 becomes Vertex
[vcg::Use] : an auxiliary class to give a simple way to specify the role of a type
Note 2: the order of templates parameters to vcg::UsedTypes is unimportant, e.g:
class MyUsedTypes: public vcg::UsedType <vcg::Use<MyVertex>::AsVertexType,
is the same as:
class MyUsedTypes: public vcg::UsedType <vcg::Use<MyFace>::AsFaceType,
Note 3: you only need to specify the type you use. If you do not have edges you do not need
to include vcg::Use<MyEdge>::AsEdgeType in the template list of UsedTypes.
==== the Part II will be a tiny change to the class TriMesh it self.
This modification removes the old way to define simplexes (already deprecated and unsupported).
In the following SIMPLEX = [vertex|edge|face|tetrahedron]
All the stuff that was in vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has now been promoted to vcg/simplex/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/with has been removed
- the file vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base.h has been renamed into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base_old.h
- the content of vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been moved into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been removed
Actions the update the code using vcglib:
replace <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/*> with <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/*> in every include
for MESHLAB users: already done along with this commit
This modification removes the old way to define simplexes (already deprecated and unsupported).
In the following SIMPLEX = [vertex|edge|face|tetrahedron]
All the stuff that was in vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has now been promoted to vcg/simplex/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/with has been removed
- the file vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base.h has been renamed into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base_old.h
- the content of vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been moved into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been removed
Actions the update the code using vcglib:
replace <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/*> with <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/*> in every include
for MESHLAB users: already done along with this commit
This modification removes the old way to define simplexes (already deprecated and unsupported).
In the following SIMPLEX = [vertex|edge|face|tetrahedron]
All the stuff that was in vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has now been promoted to vcg/simplex/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/with has been removed
- the file vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base.h has been renamed into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base_old.h
- the content of vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been moved into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been removed
Actions the update the code using vcglib:
replace <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/*> with <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/*> in every include
for MESHLAB users: already done along with this commit
This modification removes the old way to define simplexes (already deprecated and unsupported).
In the following SIMPLEX = [vertex|edge|face|tetrahedron]
All the stuff that was in vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has now been promoted to vcg/simplex/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/with has been removed
- the file vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base.h has been renamed into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base_old.h
- the content of vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been moved into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been removed
Actions the update the code using vcglib:
replace <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/*> with <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/*> in every include
for MESHLAB users: already done along with this commit
This modification removes the old way to define simplexes (already deprecated and unsupported).
In the following SIMPLEX = [vertex|edge|face|tetrahedron]
All the stuff that was in vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has now been promoted to vcg/simplex/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/with has been removed
- the file vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base.h has been renamed into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base_old.h
- the content of vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been moved into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been removed
Actions the update the code using vcglib:
replace <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/*> with <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/*> in every include
for MESHLAB users: already done along with this commit
This modification removes the old way to define simplexes (already deprecated and unsupported).
In the following SIMPLEX = [vertex|edge|face|tetrahedron]
All the stuff that was in vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has now been promoted to vcg/simplex/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/with has been removed
- the file vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base.h has been renamed into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base_old.h
- the content of vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been moved into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been removed
Actions the update the code using vcglib:
replace <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/*> with <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/*> in every include
for MESHLAB users: already done along with this commit
This modification removes the old way to define simplexes (already deprecated and unsupported).
In the following SIMPLEX = [vertex|edge|face|tetrahedron]
All the stuff that was in vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has now been promoted to vcg/simplex/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/with has been removed
- the file vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base.h has been renamed into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base_old.h
- the content of vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been moved into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been removed
Actions the update the code using vcglib:
replace <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/*> with <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/*> in every include
for MESHLAB users: already done along with this commit
This modification removes the old way to define simplexes (already deprecated and unsupported).
In the following SIMPLEX = [vertex|edge|face|tetrahedron]
All the stuff that was in vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has now been promoted to vcg/simplex/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/with has been removed
- the file vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base.h has been renamed into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/base_old.h
- the content of vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been moved into vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/
- the folder vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/ has been removed
Actions the update the code using vcglib:
replace <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEXplus/*> with <vcg/simplex/SIMPLEX/*> in every include
for MESHLAB users: already done along with this commit
HEOppAdj : pointer to the opposite half edge
HEVAdj : pointer to the vertex
HENextAdj : pointer to the next half edge
HEPrevAdj : pointe to the previous half edge
EFAdj : pointer to the face
HEdgeData : groups all previous except (HEPrevAdj)
with both old and new version. The fixes include:
- dot product: vec0 * vec1 => (I added .dot() to the old Point classes too)
- Transpose: Transpose is an Eigen type, so we cannot keep it if Eigen is used. Therefore
I added a .tranpose() to old matrix classes, and modified most of the Transpose() to transpose()
both in vcg and meshlab. In fact, transpose() are free with Eigen, it simply returns a transpose
expression without copies. On the other be carefull: m = m.transpose() won't work as expected,
here me must evaluate to a temporary: m = m.transpose().eval(); However, this operation in very
rarely needed: you transpose at the same sime you set m, or you use m.transpose() directly.
- the last issue is Normalize which both modifies *this and return a ref to it. This behavior
don't make sense anymore when using expression template, e.g., in (a+b).Normalize(), the type
of a+b if not a Point (or whatever Vector types), it an expression of the addition of 2 points,
so we cannot modify the value of *this, since there is no value. Therefore I've already changed
all those .Normalize() of expressions to the Eigen's version .normalized().
- Finally I've changed the Zero to SetZero in the old Point classes too.
and debugged CurvatureDirTypeOcf, which
returned wrong values and [MAJOR] wasted
8 floats per vertex every time it was included in the type (enabled or not)